The Bridge: 13th November 2024 - Part 2

3 months ago

Thank you to Anne and to Will, the Cambridge Cracker, for talking to me.
Sheridan was not able to come for the rest of the week as her heart problem had put her in hospital. The rest of the group showed up as usual. There was a very half hearted attempt to close the road, but the handful of road workers who were there soon packed up after stowing all the barricades in a new compound by their 'comfort' truck. This was to set up what came in the small hours of Friday 15th November. As most of us thought, they hadn't given up, just changed tactics.

Cambridge Cracker aka Will Burrell has a couple of excellent videos here, explaining what has been going on:

The Shape Of Things To Come

Timeline of events before JR could be filed

Mainstream news reports:

Protesters disrupt work on city centre road

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