Ignite Kingdom Talk | S6E17 | Kingdom Board of Advisors Preview: Dr. Lance Wallnau

3 months ago

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This session was taken from a meeting of our Kingdom Board of Advisors.

True Success is Kingdom-minded, Spirit-focused, Healthy, Sustainable, and not achieved alone.

Ignite’s Christian Business’ Kingdom Board of Advisors is a paid-access group of prosperous, established business leaders with a heart for the Lord. Monthly meetings see these leaders enrich one another in life and business with a clear goal in mind: To follow God, stewarding everything we have unto success - personal and community-wide, all for the sake of God’s Kingdom. Members of the Board meet online (and in person, when possible) to learn from, plan together, and encourage each other toward that end.

During this particular meeting, the group was joined by Dr. Lance Wallnau, and the session was impactful to all of us. So much so, that we wanted to share it with the Ignite Community as a whole. You can find Dr. Wallnau on every social media platform, and find excellent resources from him at https://LanceWallnau.com

Are there topics you’d like us to cover in the future? Let us know and continue the conversation in the comments below.

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