57. Ayurveda and Curcumin: Ancient wisdom for Modern Self-Care with Dr Shivani Gupta

3 months ago

Join us for an insightful episode with Dr. Shivani as we delve into the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and the powerful benefits of curcumin. Dr. Shivani, a renowned Ayurvedic leader and creator of the Modern Ayurveda program and Fusionary Formulas, shares her revolutionary approach to fusing Eastern and Western practices for optimal self-care, digestion, stress reduction, and metabolism.

In this episode, we explore how self-care doesn't need to be just another item on your to-do list. Dr. Shivani provides practical tips on integrating Ayurvedic rituals into your busy life, ensuring that self-care becomes a seamless and rewarding part of your daily routine. Discover the healing properties of curcumin and how it can significantly improve your health and wellbeing.

We also dive into the science behind curcumin, discussing who it works for, how it works, and the extensive research supporting its health benefits. Dr. Shivani explains the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin and its effectiveness in managing various health conditions.

Dr. Shivani's journey is both inspiring and educational, as she reveals how her personal experiences with family health challenges motivated her to bridge the gap between modern lifestyles and ancient Ayurvedic practices. Tune in to learn how you can achieve success and vitality by incorporating simple Ayurvedic principles into your life.

Don't miss this transformative conversation that promises to change your perspective on self-care and holistic health.

Copywrite @AmandaPanacea


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