Slasher Dave - Concrete Enclosed Witch Ep. 11 | Massacre Radio

3 months ago

Massacre Radio trudges on with Episode 11! This week Membersonly Dave opens the lid on this week’s hottest juices and throws down on some chump. After that, Slasher Dave of Acid Witch calls in to talk about strange scratches in the night, raccoons of the corn, and what he’d do if he met an alien! He also gives us his favorite Heavy Metal Horrors, the influences on his solo projects, and what is the future of Acid Witch. ALSO, Dave opens up the brand spankin’ new Massacre Radio HOTLINE 440-941-8585! Call in now to enter for a spot on the Massacre Video Cruise provided by City Yachts! This one is a ripper, don’t blame us if your ears bleed!

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Follow Membersonly Dave on Twitter and Instagram, @membersonlydave

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