This weekend - How to Channel Your Guides MasterClass & Activation

3 months ago

We are STOKED to see ya’ll this weekend at our “HOW TO CHANNEL YOUR GUIDES” MasterClass and “CHANNELING & THIRD EYE CHAKRA ACTIVATION” 😊

We see this becoming a Reference Masterclass & Activation, that’s going to help MILLIONS on their Spiritual Path ❤️

We are diving in DEEP with this one:

✨ Who are guides? What dimension do they reside in? How can you get them to assist with ALL areas of your life?
✨ How accessing GUIDANCE is like being connected to a Quantum Super Computer that’s ALL knowing, and how it can TRANSFORM your lives
✨ What are DAILY practices you can do to drastically UPLEVEL your connection to higher guidance, and enhance your Connection with Source?
✨ What are the biggest blocks to Guidance?✨ How do you know when its Guidance Vs Ego/ Negative Interference?

This is a fully interactive workshop where we guide you through some powerful exercises that will help strengthen your connection with your guides no matter what level of expertise you are currently at.

REGISTER at A GOLD Membership of $88 will get you access to both events of this weekend AND access to ALL previous events.

This will be a GAME CHANGER and we highly recommend it for everyone! We love you and cannot wait to connect with you this weekend! 😊 ❤️

EldoRa And Siman

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