General Election 2024 - Ireland needs Change! Cathy Lynch No. 1

3 months ago

Our country needs a different approach because it is not working! As a healthcare worker I am keenly aware that our healthcare system is in crisis. I will campaign for more staff, evening and weekend clinics and a 3 year commitment to Ireland from medical students. Trauma care centres in every town will stop the need for patients to travel huge distances. I will tackle the homeless issue by addressing the real problem: the financialization of homes and introduce a points based immigration system to ensure Ireland benefits from inward migration and not pay the heavy price that we are today.
As my mother always says, "where there's a will, there's a way". The National Alliance candidates have the will that our incumbent politicians seem to lack.

Please vote for change in the upcoming General Election. Thank you. / @AllicanceCathy / /

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