Great leaders understand

3 months ago

Great leaders understand that every decision, action, and word matters. Precision goes beyond mere accuracy; it involves intent and clarity. The incoming NSA, Mike Waltz, embodies the type of leadership that President Trump needs to achieve the goals he has promised to the American people.

Joe Pags, thanks for having me on the show. It's always a pleasure speaking with you.

What we call the future, which is the now at the Quantum Level.

The deception created by the Draconians, the illusion of time. Everything was tied into the illusion of time, it's the ultimate control instilled at the highest level. It's designed to control your every freedom, regulated by the seconds of the clock, by the minutes and hours. By the traffic lights, stop signs and the layout of the cities - a repetitive design everywhere, meant to keep your creative freedoms confined to their systems.

The world without power lines, telephone poles - replaced by free wireless energy by Nikola Tesla. Spaceships and spaceports, obsolete medical practices replaced by violet ray healing technology designed by Nikola, intergalactic travel amongst the stars - to infinite possibilities through our stargate portals and wormhole SSP technologies.

Supressed replicator technology - even to create at a grand scale all exists. Technology that can 'tag' who used adrenochrome directly vs people poisoned by adrenochrome was used by the US Military.

Reality is not what you thought it was.

The Matrix Was A Documentary

My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.......

#TRUTH - U.S. Military to Purge Treasonous Officers from the Military.

BREAKING: Donald Trump Confirms He Is Prepared to Declare National Emergency and Deploy Military to Reverse Biden’s Invasion

BREAKING: Donald Trump confirms he is prepared to declare a national emergency, utilizing military assets to reverse the Biden invasion and restore America’s sovereignty and security. America’s sovereignty is at stake—Trump’s action begins now!

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