4 months ago

The only time I have ever had alcohol is when my friend got me to try one sip of a $3,000
bottle. It was ok lol.

Staying away from drugs and alcohol equals by far the highest chance of achieving success and happiness.

Sep 21, 2018 3:07:47 PM EDT
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 282
We are at the PRECIPICE.
Remain CALM.
We are here for a reason.
Patriots are in control.

Arrests!!👉 White Hats have supplied the incoming Trump administration with a lengthy list of high-ranking military personnel whose derelictions of duty and constitutional maleficence included pledging allegiance to Joseph Biden, compelling subordinates to get vaxxed during the height of the plandemic, endorsing wokeness and DEI promotions, and myriad other crimes in contravention of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the U.S. Constitution.
BIG! 👆 Although RRN has yet to see the list, sources in General Smith’s cadre told us it includes admirals and generals from all major Armed Forces branches and “thousands” of junior officers likely to claim they were coerced into violating the Constitution.

We’ve seen this with the handful of Black Hats we’ve dealt with so far,” our source said. “Or say they were threatened. Yeah, this is a real possibility, but should we forgive that? Every man and woman in uniform knows right from wrong. And even if we don’t prosecute the sniveling 2nd lieutenant for heeding his commander’s unlawful orders, for example, he still has to be kicked out, and dishonorably discharged. I’m sure JAG is figuring this all out right now.”

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