Dan Bilzerian Destroys Shabbos Goy Piers Morgan

3 months ago

Poker player, businessman and social media influencer Dan Bilzerian seems to find success, whatever he pursues. Young men throughout the world flocked to his Instagram page, hoping some of his hedonistic escapades might somehow make their way through their phone screens. However, the multi-millionaire is not the same man he was 10 years ago, leaving his playboy lifestyle behind for marriage.

In his own words, Bilzerian "no longer gives a sh*t". He has come out as a fierce critic of not just Israel, but Judaism, the Synagogue of Satan. In this epic interview, Piers Morgan finds himself vehemently embarrassed by the pure truth dished out by Dan.

00:00 Tease
01:00 Introduction
06:00 On Hamas Heroes
14:00 Dan Shuts down Piers on so-called antisemitic conspiracy theories
21:45 Dan disputes Holocaust numbers
25:55 Dan Debunks being an antisemite

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