Swearing Oaths

4 months ago

At the Ye Olde Town Pubs, there used to be signs posted with 3 rules.
Nowadays, people are so dumbed down that they use these 3 separate terms interchangeably.
Education Time!
CUSSING: Foul Language
CURSING: Making a threat - placing a hex of misfortune on someone.
SWEARING: Making an oath that you might not mean nor be able to keep.
Yah (God) does not say NOT to swear, only do so truthfully, keeping your oaths.
Mean what you say and NEVER use deceit.
"White lies"? While not entirely disagreeing (as long as it hurts no one), better to use words sparingly in diplomacy or keep silent. Be a person of few words, keep your private matters unspoken and stay out of other peoples' personal business, if you at all possibly can.
Do NOT bear false witness.
Rumors, Gossip, Suspicions, Exaggerations, Lies.
Do NOT engage in them! This truly hurts and harms others.
If you don't know something is factual and true, for sure and certain,
do not engage nor participate. Remember, always keep in mind, YOU are not perfect, either. DO unto others, as you would have them treat YOU!
anything like this is BETRAYAL to your fellow human beings and the Creator!!
LIFE < TRUTH < LOVE < LIGHT ✝️Acts 4:12
NUMBERS 6:24-26

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