The Big Picture What Makes a General

3 months ago

"THE BIG PICTURE" examines the school for generals -- Preparing selected Army officers for the highest command and general staff positions in the Army is the mission of the Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania. It is the top of the ladder in the Army's educational system. From Washington's time to the present day of missiles and atomic warheads, we have looked to the Generals for leadership in maintaining our liberty and security from foreign oppression. THE BIG PICTURE examines and answers the question, "What makes these men tick -- the Generals?" The camera's eye is trained on their schooling and background which ultimately fits them for their missions. As this documentary film explains, when an Army General retires, more often then not, he is invited to take on towering responsibilities in civilian life -- positions where he can bring to bear his talents and training, along with the benefits of mature experience. Many a famous former wearer of the star has moved over to important jobs in the field of public welfare, education, business and commerce, and government service, accenting the respect Americans have not only for these men, but for the character, education, and training for which the rank of General stands.

Transcript (PDF):

Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center.
DATES: (ca. 1974 - 05/15/1984 )

USE RESTRICTIONS STATUS: Restricted - Possibly
USE RESTRICTIONS NOTE: Some or all of this material may be restricted by copyright or other intellectual property right restrictions.

NOTE: A DVD of this film can be ordered from our partner, A DVD of this film is ALSO available for viewing and copying free of charge in the NARA Research Room in the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Records Section, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD.


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