Sit one of the left one on the right Jesus teaching his disciples

3 months ago

#sitoneonyourleftoneonyourright #jesusteachinghisdisciples
Sit one of the left one on the right Jesus teaching his disciples

Sit one of the left one on the right
This is an amazing request of the disciples They came to ask Jesus if they could sit one of his right and one on his left Waht did influence them to say that ? Why did they want to sit one on the right of Jesus and one on the left of Jesus ? Because they wanted to be above others, they wanted to get the first place Pride, selfishness motivated them . Jesus teaching his disciples

Most people do not understand that to enter heaven one needs to return as it was in Eden All sin need to be overcome Pride, selfishness, arrogance, lying, abuse, deception , apathy, being rude unkind . Unless one overcomes through the power of God that person will never enter heaven ? Sit one of the left one on the right The good news is that it is impossible to overcome in our own power . Only Jesus can make us overcome But most people are unwilling to 1 see their sin 2 accept that Jesus removes those sins from them . Jesus teaching his disciples

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