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The s0r0s/g8tes CIA/CSIS satanic rumble Puppet Seals The Deals!
chi-miigwetch for sealing the deals pavlovski, great work! i'm sure your creature culling masters at CSIS and the CIA commend you for all the great work helping the government of Canada finish me off here!
Download Mbps 21.38 Upload Mbps 8.72
05:33 start - 420mb video @ 720p - 5:55 length!
what? you don't like my thumbnail now rumble live monitors? musta been your satanic spawn g8tes buddy there idk... i don't recall stretching the bitch by a leg hair like wow eh!
well hey your luciferian nub producing archon fkn garbage is only as good as its masters that program the shiat i know! like one drop of water on the garbage and watch the "anti" "christ" shit glitch eh?
anyhoo there i go digressing again! thanx for playing along a little bit there rumble puppets! only 13 minutes! you pricks sure can work when you want to i know!
As for the twice refused video in [Q]uestion for any real creatures allowed to see this shit show see the drive link below that covers more catching of jackmusk 2.o at the creature culling satanic CIA [X] front, more jamming from bunkchute raymond @ bitchute, and of course this joint here that conspires non-stop with the government of Canada to prevent me from getting any help here, stealing comments now from others trying to reach me, falsifying analytics, and now refusing uploads out right! This is an ongoing thing many others are complaining about as well on this platform but in my case as a main witness in multiple crimes that span all across Canada since Annette Marie was "disappeared" in 2019, this has gone beyond simple "gltches" or potential "3rd" parties RUMBLE LLC "could" claim are responsible as it has been well documented over the years!
Refused twice video link below_
From MP Brock Appeals To Federation Of Planets Anti-"christ" Puppet Types!.mp4
New And Updated Playlists linked below_
The O.P.P ya they know me, POZIOMKA crown guy aye, Trespass playlist!
Oh the joys of this continued 7 plus year now, limbo stalemate, government experiment hell ride, shit show no bloody doubts as we enter the phase where the O.P.P trespasses against me further with the theft of my property and attempted extortion by the service corporation of ONTARIO of which i have NO CONTRACT with! i suppose i'm my own worse enemy here as it was me that actually flagged PC ROONEY, P down trying to serve him an evidence package in hopes he would actually do his bloody job, and make immediate arrests of our TREASONOUS, democidal, rogue nazi, satan spawn leaders that are now responsible for millions of deaths, as they effectively bankrupt our country with the ongoing largest money laundering operations this shattered country has ever seen and or known! Regardless now they have been duly notified and have chosen to be complicit in all these global human atrocities so the stalemate carries on while more die unnecessarily!
The s0r0s/g8tes satanic CIA/CSIS rumble puppet CHRIS PAVLOVSKI finally seals the deals playlist!
After 2 refused uploads now of the same video containing too much truth and more proof it would seem clear that i'm pretty much done over on the CIA/CSIS front platform rumble here! See the drive link below for the video in [Q]uestion and from now on i'll have no choice but to do uploads on the CIA/DARPA run youtube to the limited extent i can, hardly saying much where i'll leave drive links of further evidence videos, of which there are many soon to be completed as my next court date comes near!
From - MP Brock Appeals To Federation Of Planets Anti-"christ" Puppet Types!.mp4
All the ones the rumble puppet hates yup!
And as per usual on any platform i attempt to make uploads to, it's always a gong show where i carry on below like a taunting creature catching these demon puppets at every turn like in the copy and paste below that transpired over the hours trying to get the last refused video uploaded!
And for any that are unaware why they do predictive programming so much well it's simple! Karma is the "logic" of the Federation of planets, loosh eating rulers of this world thus is why i cast to them 10 fold beyond "i" the many (which is all of you) for the deeds in witch they sow, as i do! i've explained in many past videos how millions of their imported "refugees" are actually either MK ultra'd or otherwise trained witches that have been placed on vital ley lines and cities all over North America so it's too bad more of y'all stopped sitting around waiting on a "god" lie to fly down in here on a dove to save us from ourselves! Because you can be rest assured the non - "man" like source doesn't really give a shit okay! And no for the record Ari would never bow to a "man" with a beard and big stick no!
Copy & paste from the twice refused now description gong show below_
Shall we try this again you creature culling live monitors at rumble?
And you'd say creature culling? Us? well fkn rites you satanic puppet clowns! from SGT types to Warrior calls channel and thousands of others you screw daily, to guys like me (that has been trying to find out what they did to Annette Marie and that other mother at the Calgary indigenous hub, that are both likely murdered now thanks to fkn garbage like you that screws truth and obstructs justice every day) that are real victims seeking justice here beyond your satanic masters treasonous global democide plot!
So damn straight your just as guilty as you pulled the bloody trigger okay and i have ample proof of your trespass against us here now!
9:28am start...
Download Mbps 23.17 Upload Mbps 7.73
Ping ms 100 551 406
under "load" mind you... as in trying to upload like, but be rest assured before i dragged this in it was at over 10 Mbps
i kinda like that 773 though pavlovski... justice can be slow at [times] indeed we know! as for the whole neck snapping thing in the last one? well it doesn't have to be that way you know... like what do they have on you man? are you an MK? like you don't have to do this okay! did they entrap you with some kids or some shit? like come on pavlovski you could help expose them man! be forgiven and come clean is your only hope! take it from a cursed guy that tried okay! just make it right and you'll be okay, i promise!
not much more to say i guess until we see if you even let this up!
10:10 i look and paused? 36m13s?
so 5 minutes paused when i go for a coffee and what? your going to fk me again now are you pavlovski? i even took you off the thumbnail thinking there was hope for you... what an idiot there again i suppose!
so guess your taking the go down with the ship noose option...
guess you just can't reason with nor redeem demon puppets like @chrispavlovski @rumblevideo i know @LarryBrockMP
looking like 2nd refused upload now so i must be right over the target for sure!
you'll receive original copies soon worry not Larry!
@ which point you'll have... <<<>>> 747 i cast to you all 10 fold beyond "i" the many aye for those deeds in witch you sow!
747 i cast to you all 10 fold beyond "i" the many aye for those deeds in witch you sow!
747 i cast to you all 10 fold beyond "i" the many aye for those deeds in witch you sow!
that 747 wolf beast curse Tara says hey btw pavlovski... lol
3 options much like crown guy @WPoziomka was given!
hopefully you chose not to be run over by history and do the right thing!
while the body count stacks up as you wait likes!
guess you actually liked raping kids it turns out idk... hey i at least gave you the option to come clean creature!
to think eh @CIA demons? i thoth he may have been an MK victim but when you consistently obstruct justice like this i suppose he actually likes raping children who knows! he sure likes protecting the ones we know do so thats all i need to know @chrispavlovski !
duly noted!👍
And to think eh Sir @LarryBrockMP i even removed @chrispavlovski from the thumbnail thinking maybe there was hope for him but he choses his 747 curse now i guess yes!
10 fold repaid beyond "i" the many aye, for those deeds in witch you sow, so sow well aye!
11:18 now eh pavlovski? guess your beyond raping children and onto the red shows now are you? geez eh theres no redemption for that shit creature so now it makes more sense yes!
holy shiat eh Sir Larry @LarryBrockMP i think it's actually worse than i thoth and what nots!
like thats some serious justice obstructing satanic dry fistings going on there eh @chrispavlovski eh?
damn like the red shoes, no buddy no!
guess it makes sense though @SCC_eng no?🤔
From MP Brock Appeals @LarryBrockMP To Federation Of Planets Anti "christ" Puppet Types!
per @chrispavlovski from @rumblevideo the @CIA creature culling @X puppet @elonmusk & bunkchute raymond from @Bitchute
you only get flak when your over the target!👍
Below are rough notes with some links available but incomplete at the moment as it's been a nonstop gong show here with computer issues, internet problems, and too much going on to get it all together with ZERO help here so check later should any care for updates and more going on youtube that will have to be more for future drive links seeing as i can't get any juicy shit up here anymore it would seem!
To any that are in Canada please bombard MP Larry Brock with the below Warrior Calls PDF's, that is from the same region of Brantford Ontario that could help get justice for everything officials there pulled off against me from failed obligations of duty, to outright theft, to intimidation & tampering with evidence!
Brantford is also known as the "BELL" city so you know and of course they are the ones that own iheart radio's CJay 92.1 FM and nation wide 5G networks that are actively poisoning all of us to one degree or another! Like in my case where they were outright trying to bloody kill me!
Notice Trespass Emergency Larry of the Brock family Oct 24 2024 redacted.
* Updated – had an error in my email address.
Notice sent October 17th 2024 to people acting for service corporations – a Notice of Trespass in regards to: pedophilia, kidnapping, barratry, trafficing, extortion and malfeasance. If they are not directly involved themselves, they are at the very least accomplices for doing NOTHING about it. Please download and email these men and woman so that they are on Notice by us all and include Larry Brock (above) to the list..
As well the link below contains all the documents that YOU ALL COULD AND SHOULD use as a template to serve your own local officials any where in the world you may be!
Notice Tacit Agreement Mark of Holland Family October 3rd 2024.
Massive Truth for the World SIMPLY shown and POWERFUL. People at HEALTH CANADA now shown for their massive trespass and corruption. All Governments world wide are “service corporations”. People at all ‘service corporations’ do NOT write law and do NOT have ANY jurisdiction over we the people.
This is a HUGE moment for our country and world proving once and for all COVID 19 WAS A LIE! People at HEALTH CANADA ARE NOW ALL EXPOSED on a MASSIVE LEVEL!!! ALL ARE LIABLE IF REQUIRED EVIDENCE IS NOT PRODUCED.
Download all communications and share worldwide THIS is the way we STOP evil. No where else in the world is TRUTH and the SOLUTION shown so powerfully to act upon.
Salina of Mirza family a woman who acts for a service corporation HEALTH CANADA. This repugnant woman ignorant of law trespass and exposed for all to see. (Exhibit 1).
3rd FINAL Notice Trespass Mark of the Holland family October 1st 2024.
2nd Notice of Trespass sent to Mark of the Holland family, a man acting as Minister of Heath.
1st Notice of Trespass sent to Mark of the Holland family, a man acting as Minister of Heath.
Exhibit 2: MasterPeace Peer Reviewed Medical Paper.
Exhibit 3: Virology and FOIs Notarized Affidavit.
Notes copy & pasted below, with lots more screw me, yay Jay, why not!
Description for - Look At You Go Now Eh CIA/CSIS demon puppet pavlovski, extended cut yep!
Description details - in order of video bullet points
- Tartaria Or Could Have Been The Mums Boy bum thing for ottman, white love cut yup!
- Sky Lady, The True Turtle Island, Ohio Ten Commandments Connections!
- 747 tara the wolf beast curse CSIS adjust, maybe go with cloths off version next yup!
- Manny's Place Savage, [Q]tard Plants With Robbery & Abduction By Brantford Police Demon Puppets!
- Some "biblical They"s For Brantford PD, With Blackrock Vanguard Public Storage Terrorist Fun!
- White Love "god" Test Yes... Bubbled Ones Living A Jeebus Lie Maybe Don't Go There Aye!
- Exhibit CSIS demons Boomerang Billion Plus Culled For TAIT & Crown Guy POZIOMKA Great!
- 773 seeking heathens with description to helen & the chris demon
773 Justice O.P.P Ya They Know Me, Vital Statistics Seeking Fellow Heathens Mash!
- Cryptic Ms. M - Aneeka Tribute!
- clarify my comments on Ms M regarding mud floods and original wars & include context matters PDF
- 9 min mark comments about bunkchute and how he did let it up finally and my suspicions on him not making it public and he did that after the fact because i caught the puppet again
- explain how working with james to get to the brock MP and include relevant links PDF's etc - brock MP - master piece - my 1st notice - recent helen/chris PDF (that needs to be added onto) - weather war fare started PDF (that needs to be added onto) -
- 41 min mark explaining Cosmic Agency, Swaruu oficial and why i don't share links as it harms them our connections
-48 min mark include Boyd/Hawkins links as well the James related pics From PC whitney james to james pedo demon buy-bull patent lizzy called from orion "god" lie mash
we need some more evidence of your complicity in murder/abduction/secret government experiment cover ups and as well for obstruction of justice for GLOBAL DEMOCIDE/HIGH TREASON you CIA/CSIS demon puppet CHRIS PAVLOVSKI so lets do it you fk yup! For drives to POZIOMKA crown guy aye!
Download Mbps 27.54 Upload Mbps 10.93
Ping ms 27 266 234
Prelude to a boomerang 773 justice kiss to knock out your teeth soon yes!
so your only letting me go to 19% this time rumble puppet?
Download Mbps 26.67 Upload Mbps 13.15
Ping ms 27 237 420 really?
there goes the @rumblevideo demon puppet again eh "god"?
Prelude to a boomerang 773 justice kiss to knock out your teeth soon yes!
so your only letting me go to 19% this time rumble puppet?
Download Mbps 26.67 Upload Mbps 13.15
Ping ms 27 237 420 really @chrispavlovski ?🤔
more proof is never a bad thing rumble puppet nope! keep on a shortening your rope!
guess its another abort than and video proving your a satanic CIA CSIS puppet skin! all good pavlovski... hey so POZIOMKA crown guy...
like isn't there a [LAW] for that?
for drives yep!
Description for Guilty as they pulled the trigger 2
The satanic musk Puppet Can Project Yes, With Mari M BOOM & CIA Youtube SCREWS!
- put jackmusk 2.o orange prick hunter raping kids mash with description
- Boyd Anderson/ David Hawkins links
- add bunkchute link with description to catch the fk more yup!
Add on to the prelude of above description that will be posted below (and of previous video thanx to more satanic CIA/CSIS rumble pavlovski shaftings!)
thanx a bunch for playing along a little bit like i said in the last one pavlovski and i'm [Q]uite sure your live monitors have already got the heads up on this one too considering the freezes, glitches, and update fk ups, like woo hoo eh rumble puppet!
go to around the 30 minute mark for your being further caught in your complicity should you freeze me again live monitoring the upload like you sometimes shall do!
Download Mbps 26.31 Upload Mbps 19.18
Ping ms 26 473 122
i welcome you giving more proof for sure pavlovski, aye!
More links to come if and when this platform actually lets this up
- link to mericans coming to Canada and the 77 stars bunk
- add onto orange tool jackmusk 2.o playlist and add link with description to pavlovski to go to the end for his role (around 30 min mark) plus add on to the other playlist of newest throttled truth videos
- recent vid link
747 Sun Of man, Federation Of Planets satanic Curse, Seeking 733 CIA Soho Green Screen Plan!
- brant MP warrior calls links
- helen mention at 9 min mark
- my 1st notice links
- Flynn flan man link
- satanic musk puppet mari m boom link
- mention dahboo links backing up musk puppet dirt with peoples voice video
- peoples voice bioweapon link with under rated death counts
Guilty As You All Pulled The Trigger pavlovski aye, satanic Federation jackmusk 2.o, orange tool "anti"-"christ" cut yup!
Source evidence/context picture mashes to be included below_
- 7733 sin bunk mash
- Walking on water jeebus lie aye, Ms Goldfishy Nisi Prius mash.png
- 1412 He who stands alone taunts a lot why not, only as inconse_[Q]_uential as the ignorance that forsakes the spear head mash .png
- jeebus lie never died 133 India mash
- new [Q] mash 133 bell
- bell terrorist mash
- 5% ministers CJay 92.1, bell media, 1333 mash
- 747 curse timeline fixed penny.png (that i could add likely 20 more pages to... 7 years later like!)
- Che[Q]uetet prophecy mash
- 223 x 2 engans [Q]ueen mash
- kitty porn urmah mash
- original Urmah full moon pic
- jackmusk 2.o 773 justice David mash
- jackmusk 2.o goat suit demon puppet, David mash
- jackmusk 2.o 6666 saudi clone mash
- jackmusk 2.o thinks hunter raping kids is funny, orange tool, biden mash
- nazi freeland mash
- buy-bull patent mash
- linear vs [Q]uantum mash
- 133 [Q]ueen eyes Ari [Q] mash
- fb nazis CIA zukerprick/rockefeller blocks DOD ukraine bio weapon link removal mash.png
- creature culling orange tool puppet china owned forbidden city mash
- original Urmah full moon pic
- 888 military confirms 5G effecting borg'd out creatures, MBAN, complicit six nations chief mash.png
- 141 catherine longboat, borg'd out elder, everyone's house is burning now.PNG
- blue skinned andromedin predictive programming pic in the taken over city of Brantford (library wall that google earth has now scrubbed)
- 1413 father cloud ship original
- 1413 gay lord 117633759_332272651484027_4658814710296392798_ Q176333322 [Q]mash.png
- 141331.1411 "god" woke me for a reason bunk mash 6 year fix.png
- 733 seeking justice 14-1-13 tribes, jeebus lie, podesta, fluke Osiris over lay mash.png
- 133 "gods" mark bunk and druidic twin flames Screenshot 2024-05-09 100050.png
- 1133 real life bourne, creature culling [Q] mash.png
- 223 X 2 [Q] inky dinky Nanabush 2 "Gene" "Isis", your all 141 micro "god"s, satanic orange clown "god" lie mash .png
- 223 X 2 [Q] inky dinky, Nanabush "god" lie original mash.png
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