Sovereign Citizen Accusation Defense 4 11-16-2024 D

3 months ago

Sovereign Citizen Accusation Defense 4 11-16-2024 D

A "confidential government agency" accused me of being violent, dangerous, and unlawful as well as being a "Sovereign Citizen." I was served with a document called an, "Emergency Gun Violence Restraining Order." I had no arms in my possession, have no history of violence, no history of crimes whatsoever, etc. I have been politically outspoken against human trafficking and government corruption for about five years now. I have always advocated publicly, in-person, in-private, and in my written documents, as well as on social media for peaceful and lawful action by all parties on all sides of all issues. I have a very long history of such advocacy. I have specifically taught peaceful and lawful tactics through administrative processes and through lawful protests. I have openly and publicly displayed such peaceful and lawful tactics.
An unnamed law enforcement agency sent roughly 30 police vehicles, a SWAT team, and an armored personnel carrier along with many peace officers to stop my vehicle, search my home, and search my brother's home in a different city. I had no arms on me, no arms in my vehicle, and no arms in my home. The peace officers openly told me, my wife, and my brother, "David Aria committed no crime. David Aria did nothing wrong. We are only trying to 'prevent' future possible violence." My arms were in a private trust under the law in a different city. The government seized all of my arms and said, that I committed no crime!!! They charged me with no crime. They then served me documents accusing me of being a so-called "Sovereign Citizen," having no driver’s license, having no registration for my vehicles, etc. All of this is not true. I have never claimed to be a sovereign citizen. I have a driver's license. I have registration and insurance on my vehicles.

I created a video which was edited by Project Veritas covering the rape of a minor child in a patrol vehicle by an elected Sheriff in uniform. I published this information on social media as part of a political campaign back in 2022. Repeat: This is public information from long ago.

This video here is a series of 4 videos to show ways a person can illustrate how they are not a "Sovereign Citizen," not violent, and not unlawful. I have a very long history of community service, humanitarian work, volunteer work, and Good Samaritan work. I also have a long history of working with immigrant refugees, women, men, families, children, Asians, Hispanics, African Americans, Caucasians, etc. My family is multi-racial. My grandson is African American, and I love him dearly - he is so adorable, cute, and lovable to me. My daughter saved his live by adopting him from a woman who was in prison. 99.9% he would have died as a human trafficking victim. This is in another undeclared state. This is not in California. I am so proud of my daughter for saving his life!!! I am proud of her husband for helping to save his life!!! I am grateful for the pastor who ministers to people in prison for helping to save this child's life. Do I sound like a "sovereign citizen to you?" Do you think I am violent and unlawful??? This is part 1 of a 4 part series where I teach people how to defend themselves against their government. I have hired an attorney who has reviewed this bogus case. He has verified with me many of the things that are wrong with my case - essentially, everything is wrong. I will work on some videos on that subject later to help teach people the law.
But I have news for all of you. As I am extremely well trained and well versed in the law, the law no longer matters because these rogue elements of society are lawless to the core. We are moving into "God's Law!" I pray daily for many hours per day. I am in contact with angels and God daily and a normal part of my day. I will be on my knees praying like crazy for this nation because we can no longer live this way. You will begin to hear me quote much less of the normal laws on the books of our government. I have written thousands of pages on those laws.
But now I am moving into two key areas of life as I shift gears from the normal statutory law and case precedents to the following as listed below:
#1 Prayer - I recommend everyone get on their knees and pray because we are up shit creek without a paddle, and evil has surrounded us in all directions.
#2 Know God's Law. Study the Bible.
#3 I am practicing what I am preaching to everyone.



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