The Sole Purpose of COVID-19 Narrative Was to Get Everyone Vaccinated

1 month ago

11/17/2024 Bob Moran, a multi-award winning British illustrator and cartoonist, describes in an interview with James Delingpole how the entire COVID-19 narrative was designed for the sole purpose of getting as many people as possible in the world to agree to take the COVID vaccines. Moran, who refers to the vaccine as “poisons”, says that the injections were always the point.
#COVIDVaccines #COVIDNarrative #MassVaccination #GlobalAgenda
11/17/2024 多次获奖的英国插画师和漫画家鲍勃·莫兰在接受詹姆斯·德林波尔采访时表示,整个新冠病毒叙事的唯一目的就是让全世界尽可能多的人同意接种新冠疫苗。莫兰称这些疫苗为“毒药”,并指出疫苗接种始终是这场计划的核心目标。
#新冠疫苗 #新冠叙事 #大规模接种 #全球议程

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