The Channel 7 Sunday Night interview with Dan Shearin that they never wanted you to see

1 month ago

What really happened to Bree Robinson. The real Sunday Night interview with Dan Shearin AKA Jayden Moorea (The one Channel 7 didn't want you to see) Edited by J.D Mo'orea.

In 2018, Denham Hitchcock did to Dan Shearin, what his father Kevin Hitchcock did to Lindy Chamberlain 30 years earlier. It took Kevin more than 3 decades to apologize for what he did, so let's see how long it takes his son Denham Hitchcock to apologise for his poor excuse for journalism that this counter edit exposes. This is the other side of the 2 hour long sit down interview that Channel 7 led Dan to believe would be what they wanted to air.

Melissa Doyle & Producer Rebecca Cox begged Dan for "His side" but all along they wanted to defame him. This video along with damming behind the scenes footage of Denham's behaviour on set is set to expose the types of people we have reporting news in Australia.

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