R.C. Sproul's self-contradicting nonsense concerning mysteries exposed and refuted

3 months ago

In the last video, we saw R.C. Sproul lie in an attempt to defend J. I. Packer, who Sproul considered to be his theological ally (see Chosen By God, chapter 2, pages 45-46). Packer came under fire for publishing the absurd claim that the Bible has many contradictions in it (see chapter two of Packer's book Evangelism And The Sovereignty Of God). In that book, Packer chose to call these alleged contradictions antinomies. Even so, some people carefully read his remarks and realized Packer was simply using an uncommon term to state that Holy Scripture teaches notions that are actually inconsistent and are incapable of ever being logically reconciled.

Packer's utilization of ambiguous terminology to equivocate for the purpose of deception is casuistry. Sproul supported Packer's heresy and attempted to defend it without any proof from Packer's publication in question. Dr. Sproul begged the question (an informal logical fallacy). Affirming men who teach heresy, such as Thomas Aquinas, Cornelius Van Til, and J.I. Packer, is a pattern for Sproul. All three of the above heretics publicly defended and supported by Sproul in his publications appealed to contradictions to support their teachings—teachings which reject Sola Scriptura (the Bible alone is the logically consistent, inspired, and authoritative Word of God) and Sola Fide (God justifies sinners by grace alone, in Christ alone, and by faith alone).


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