the true us vs them dynamic

3 months ago

The struggles that many face in this world have little to do with the flesh and blood puppets and more to do with the systems that control and direct them.
The only thing blocking the visibility of the highly orchestrated atrocities occurring here is systemic conditioning of "belief".
All beliefs are a form of mind control.
Freedom is in KNOWING
For one to know, the simple and sincere admission of what is not known, coupled with curiosity and morality is all that is needed.
The realization of basic morality
Is it consensual?
Is it beneficial?
If the answer is no to one or either, then it is an action made in error and is immoral.
The only way to correct an error is to take correct action. Correct action can only occur from an individual or group with the full embodiment of morality from the direct realization and practice of it.
Again, this starts with admitting what is not known as the beliefs will fight to stay in place and redirect the attention of the seeker, usually through a strong emotional discharge.
No one and no thing has the right to detrimental actions made in error towards another sentient being.
Any being that infringes on those innate rights gives up their right to sovereignty in that process and is due for correction in a swift and ethical manner.


The flow of karma is interrupted by the distortion of the basic knowledge of morality that would be innate within all, if not for the systemic destruction through the gateway of the first lie called "belief".
The ability to access and discern true knowledge and the empowerment and authority that comes with this can only be attained after the corruption of lying to oneself and others through the framework of "belief" is thoroughly dismantled and the immovable truth allowed to refill the gaps.
Belief takes the space of knowing just as trust takes the space of discernment.
Trust and belief are not benign.
They are full blown cancers that must be removed fully in order to pierce the well engineered veil of deception that has created the environment where slavery is the norm and being taken advantage of is just the day to day grind. If people can't even see the wrong doing in their own actions, how could they correct the error in the system at large?
Learn morality, dismantle all beliefs and teach others how to free themselves.
This is the way.

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