Join us as we explore with James Nelke

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Welcome to - our own platform where we can speak freely and not be censored. is free to join and be an active member; looks like fb, feels like fb, without the b.s.
Tonight, James Nelke is coming on to talk about the work he has been doing behind the scenes, to make the platform more user friendly and explain the benefits like marketplace, groups, pages and answer some questions from you, our community. was built over two years ago by an Australian web designing expert and member of the Freedom Movement.
Its purpose was to build our movement a place where we could talk freely without fear of censorship. Due to the popularity of other sites, was a wall-flower - but no more - we now need more than ever! Cafe Locked Out copped a 10yr ban from fb for airing interviews and allowing our community to speak freely.
Cafe Locked Out is heavily shadow banned from many other platforms and constantly comes up against tech related issues and a lack of support from main-stream. So now that we are left with little to no options, we are embracing and celebrating its brilliance! We encourage our community to join with us and stand strong. With gratitude and in unity.

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