The Federal Reserve will destroy the economy on purpose, says David Rogers Webb

3 months ago

The Federal Reserve ("The Fed") will destroy the economy on purpose so they can get control of everything, says David Rogers Webb, author of "The Great Taking".

"G. Edward Griffin wrote 'The Creature from Jekyll Island'." "He went into the memoirs of the people that were present at the meeting at which the Federal Reserve was planned, and their chief concern was that the US economy was functioning without them and actually running away without them." "So the growth in banking was in banks that they did not control." "Further, industry was doing so well that it could finance its expansion internally through cash flow and did not need their credit." "It's hard for people to hear this; they've been given a false story [about the Great Depression]." "Their intention was to literally destroy the US economy, and the world economy." "Once they created the Fed, they had fiat money now on a big scale." "They created World War I." "They financed the Bolsheviks." [The Bolsheviks were a faction of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party, led by Vladimir Lenin, that seized control of the government in Russia during the October Revolution of 1917, later renamed the Russian Communist Party.]" "Then the bubble leading up to the bust in 1929, [and] the early 1930s, they created the banking crisis." "When the bank holiday came — which was a surprise for people, people didn't know that was coming — they closed all the banks suddenly, and these 9,000 banks were never allowed to reopen." "So they put out of business all their competition." "The only banks that were allowed to reopen were the Federal Reserve System banks." "Then, for good measure, they had put into the... Federal Reserve Act that they had to have a certain ratio of gold backing." "So they created the rationale in the crisis that if they were to expand credit, they would need to take confiscate the public's gold to provide more gold backing." "What was the real reason?" "It was again so that the economy could not function without them." "During the period when they were keeping conditions tight, creating deprivation and driving businesses under, taking them over in bankruptcy, if the public and businesses had gold, a parallel economy would have developed without them, using gold." "What we are seeing now, they absolutely will collapse and devastate everything." "They will not allow a parallel system to develop." "Everyone will be dependent on central bank issued money, that is a control system." "So this is their dream."

This is from an interview that James Delingpole did with David Rogers Webb, author of "The Great Taking", on 22 Jan 2024.

The full interview is posted here:

The documentary "The Great Taking" is posted here:

David Rogers Webb's book, "The Great Taking", can be downloaded here:

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