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Elijah Streams - Take The Arrows! Session 4 - Johnny Enlow - Captions
Elijah Streams Conference 2024 - participants are encouraged to reclaim their stolen inheritance through faith and prophetic acts. The speaker draws a parallel with the biblical story of Mary anointing Jesus and Elijah's prophetic acts. The event focuses on striking the ground seven times as a prophetic act to reclaim what has been stolen by the enemy. The session includes recounting personal testimonies of restoration and breakthrough and reinforces the importance of gratitude and faith in one's giving. Participants are guided through various prophetic acts tied to the seven mountains of influence: economy, arts and entertainment, government, media, education, family, and religion. The gathering also highlights the role of archangels and the power of the prophetic in realizing God’s promises. The session closes with a prayer for an outpouring of blessings and an increase in the anointing for all present.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Elijah Streams! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was published on 10-25-2024 and may be watched here: 👉
Prophetic Acts, Spiritual Inheritance, and Kingdom Activation | Elijah Streams Conference 2024
Join us for a powerful session from Elijah Streams Conference 2024 where we delve into the significance of prophetic acts, spiritual inheritance, and kingdom activation. Speakers discuss the biblical story of Elisha and Joash to illustrate the importance of striking the ground in faith. Key themes include reclaiming what the enemy has stolen, spiritual warfare, and anointing for various mountains of influence such as media, government, and education. This episode also features profound prayers, personal testimonies, and a call to prophetic action that invites viewers to engage deeply with their God-given assignments. Experience the dynamic atmosphere, prophetic insights, and tangible presence of the Holy Spirit as we seek to impact the nation and beyond.
00:00 Introduction and Call to Worship
00:09 The Story of Mary and the Expensive Oil
00:39 Gratitude and Blessings from Elijah Streams
01:04 Holy Spirit's Guidance and Messages
03:37 The Year of Inheritance and Restoration
04:05 Reclaiming Stolen Inheritance
07:21 Testimonies of Faith and Restoration
08:12 Offering and Prayer for Restoration
10:46 Blessings and Building Updates
12:21 Encouragement and Prophetic Words
13:53 Elizabeth's Heartfelt Message
30:27 Prophetic Acts and Striking the Ground
48:40 Prophetic Promises and Bumps Ahead
49:18 The Power of the Prophetic
50:37 Significance of the Solar Eclipse
55:50 Seven Mountains Mandate
59:32 Authority Over Jezebel
01:06:05 Activating the Seven Mountains
01:12:49 Receiving New Assignments
01:24:02 Closing Prayers and Blessings
Join ElijahStreams and your host Steve Shultz for an in-person, one-day, four session event of prophecy and worship with Johnny Enlow and Andrew Whalen, with worship by Steve Swanson!
We’ve recently updated the schedule of events. We now have FOUR sessions instead of Three!
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I have the honour of encouraging us around our giving. And as we were worshipping the Lord reminded me of Mary and I want to read to you what it says. It says that she broke a jar of very expensive oil. She did this to show her great love for Jesus. She was grateful to him. And she also believed in him. I want to know tonight who's grateful for what God has done through Elijah Streams. Who's been blessed? Give me a hand up. Who's had a revelation? Who's had an awakening through this ministry? So it's an honor tonight to give back and let me tell you when I was asked to give the offering message I prayed and I said Holy Spirit what do you want me to share? And I just believe what I'm about to share with you. Tonight has been truly led by the Holy Spirit. Because Johnny started by saying this he spoke about the kingdom and he said blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth let's say that together blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth and then Andrew came up and said this he said the Caleb's arising the Caleb's arising and and the Holy Spirit began to lead me somewhere because then Steve said something no more delay and I'm going to tie up the three messages in just a second but God is taking us somewhere and let me tell you what God was doing in the midst of lockdown we were in a really low place and I remember it was just after my heavenly encounter where I was in a trance and the Lord took me to heaven and that was my second time and I saw the treasure room for the very first time and I remember the Lord said this to me Yvonne I held the enemy ransom and everything that has been stolen from previous generation I shall restore to you in your lifetime and that was enormous because I remember sharing those words with my husband and when I shared those words with him we were praying together and the Lord gave us the first word no more delay it came out of the Book of Revelation and at that time I said Mina why don't we just go out live and share that word and just say no more delay the Lord's breaking the spirit of delay yeah and I can tell you the day we shared this everything began to Change and we began to walk into our God-given inheritance and I believe tonight as I share with you that scripture, you too will begin to walk in the same anointing. So, what am I saying? We were at the beginning of October. October 3rd, who knows what we celebrated? We celebrated the new Hebreic year, five, 7, eight, five. Who remembers that? So, we were Praying and we were like Lord what do you have for this year especially October and the Lord said this inheritance. I will restore it to you your stolen inheritance. I want to I want to see your hands if you've had something stolen from you. We know that elections were stolen. Right? We know that. We know that's why we're here to reclaim what was taken from us. But Keep your hands up. If you've had something stolen from you, keep your hands up. Let's look around the room for a sec. Look at that. Tonight is going to be the night and I tell you why I'm going to share this with you. I'm going to share a scripture because Meena came to me and said, Yvonne, I believe that it's inheritance and I believe that the Lord will restore to his people an inheritance and I remember, I was like when he said that, I received that word but then I to scripture and I said, Lord, would you confirm Mina's word and I went straight into that and let's read it together. Joshua fourteen verses ten to eleven. This is Caleb and that's what Andrew was saying that Caleb's arising. So, Caleb comes to Joshua and tells him, do you remember what happened 45 years ago? And Joshua's like, not really, I'm paraphrasing and he said to him, well, I I I haven't forgotten. Moses said that I could have this inheritance. I am 85 years old now and now is my time. And boom the Lord began to tell me Yvonne you're walking into five seven eight five. And so we came into agreement that this was the year of our inheritance. Let me read it to you. Now as you can see the Lord has kept me alive and well as he promised for all these 45 years since Moses made this promise even while wandered in the wilderness today. Someone say today, I am 85 years old. I am as strong now as I was when Moses set me out on this on that journey and I could still travel and fight as well as I could thin. And so we both said, you know what? This is the month of reclaiming our inheritance especially before we step into the election. This is the night to stand for what was stolen from us, our children, our country, our state. Tonight is the night of reclaiming back what the enemy took and I remember we were preaching that message and I did this and I'm going to do the same tonight. I said this to the people I said, I normally don't ask for a specific amount to sow. You can sow anything but I believe there's an anointing on that number, five seven eight five and I feel that even as I've spoken it tonight. You can put the dot anywhere you like. Some of you, you will be able to sow 5, 7 8-five. Others may sow less but let me tell you something, it doesn't matter. It's all about you moving in faith in that number and when we were sharing this, someone sent me a testimony and I want to read this testimony to you. She said, your word really really encouraged me. I ended up sowing in that message 5 seven eight five and I want to tell you something that 11 years ago, my husband was involved in an international fraud ring that had largely targeted Christians Unfortunately, we were unwise and we invested a lot of money. After believing and receiving this word, we found a check in the mail for $45000 dollars. And I believe that God's going to do it again. I believe God's going to do it again tonight. The the whole idea before I pray is to sow in faith and as the title of the conference to strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and let me tell you, if that doesn't, if you don't feel the offering, it hasn't really done anything because it's what you normally do. Amen? So, as I begin to pray for the offering. I want you to close your eyes. Deuteronomy 1616 says this, sow or give to the Lord in proportion to how he has blessed you. So, before I even pray, I want you to just think about how much the Lord has blessed you this year and what you're sowing into, you're coming to say, Lord, I am receiving this word and I am believing that you have held the enemy ransom. That father in Jesus name, you will restore to me what has been stolen from me. Father, in the name of Jesus, I come into agreement with this word even as we stand for our country for this upcoming election. So, just pause and think, Lord, you've blessed me so much. Tonight, I'm going over and above to bless the ministry that you used to bless me. So, I want you to just lift up your envelope. And there's ways on the screen to give and let me pray for the offering father I thank you Lord for every single person giving tonight and Lord I ask in the name of Jesus that we come into agreement that this offering is rebuking renouncing the devour father in the name of Jesus that as we sow in faith that they shall be such a restoration that it will blow our mind Father, in the name of Jesus, we take back what the enemy took from us. We take back what was stolen from us in the name of Jesus and we believe that we will step into such abundance because that is the promise of the kingdom for your children and all of God's people said, amen, amen, and amen. I guess they're passing buckets. What? They didn't tell me. There they come. Let me just say this to you I probably should have said this before that but first of all to the bless for the blessing that we have. We we were able to buy this building cash. No debt. There's no debt. There's no mortgage. There's nothing. So, that's really great and yeah, give the Lord a hand because that was only him the we were not even supposed to be able to meet here tonight because we were we were we were to have all the restrooms torn apart and be working on them so ladies trust me we saw the lines today and we're way ahead of you or behind depending on how you look at it we're doubling the size of both sets of restrooms is that good that's amazing that's needed and if that's not enough ladies we'll do it again okay I promise we're we're working on that but we really want to Give the Lord an excellent we wanted to treat with excellence and treat our people with excellence. So it's it's already in the works and we're going to break ground. I don't know. Here's our contractor right now. When do we actually break ground on that? Soon. Spoken like a good contractor. Very good good. It always takes longer getting the permits and all that. So we appreciate you sowing into that when Michael gave me the actual figure last week. I think it was I said. Really? It all cost way more than you think, you know. You got a good price, a good contractor but it it cost a lot of money. So, thanks for thinking about that. So, I I just want to say one thing and then I'm going to bring Johnny up here. Andrew, when you talked today, you talked about the you wanted to be in the hundreds, you know, in in your life. I last year, I got really sick not like I did before where I was bedridden for four years but I got sick and I I couldn't get rid of this cough and I think my staff was worried about me because I found out when when they were subbing for me for a week or so. They must have expressed that to Kat Kerr when she was on the show and she said, don't worry about Steve. He's going to live at least another 50 years. So, so that and I I quickly calculated that brought me to a hundred and 14 years. Oh, I have every intentions of fulfilling that prophecy and beyond. So, I want you to know that's a thing. This this long, this isn't just something weird that happened with Andrew although I'd never heard him say that. This is something that God's speaking to many people right now. So, get ready to live a long and prosperous life. So, let's welcome Johnny. Give Johnny a big hand here. Hasn't he been amazing? Oh, we got the mic. Okay. Oh, oh, come on. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. Elizabeth, if you'll come up. Y'all needed to hear some words. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It would just be some kind of sin if she didn't say something so, say something. Oh you guys, this has been such a special day with you. We we're with family. I hope that y'all feel that way too. The enemy has tried to isolate us over the years and man, if I could just look every single one of you like dead in the eyes right now, I would do it because I just feel the father's mother's heart of God over every one of you like you've done a really good job these last, I don't know how many years to call it, seems like forever, you have passed so many tests. You have literally been swimming with sharks. On every level and not only that but you've gotten to see the sharks. Look em dead in the eyes. And you may have flinched a little and none of us are perfect but you have chosen the Lord over and over and over again and the truth of who he is and what he's like and the Lord reminded me of us almost two years ago now that we had the privilege he was upstairs the whole time but of watching our daughter give birth to her our grandson, her first child. In our home. In our home and you know, between the normal sounds you hear when a woman is in labor, there were a few shofar blasts coming from upstairs. But this daughter's name is Justice Hope. And the Lord named her when I was pregnant with her because we were going through some things and he said, I want you to know that I am your hope for justice, right? Not a wish but like hope as in keep your expectation in the fact that I am your justice. That means he gets the last word on absolutely everything and that includes everything that you personally care about. You couldn't care more than he cares and sometimes the fight is to continue to care and to not get numb and callous and she births our grandson and his name is Caleb. And the Lord highlighted two things during worship for me about that birth and I'm I'm finishing quickly because I don't want to take your time. That there were two moments where it was really beyond intense. It was scary and one was she began to hemorrhage and you know, being a home birth, that's a little little different than being in the hospital, they had everything that they needed but still, you know, you're like, there's a moment. You where is this going to turn around and before that when she was still in labor there was he the baby just would not drop and you know to be present in something that is that intense justice hope giving birth to Caleb yeah do you hear there was there was one thing that they were able to do that like made all the difference in the world but it was it was excruciating for her and for us to watch, you know, and you felt so helpless and so out of control and it was the most beautiful thing but the most scary thing and I believe that you know, it's tonight and today all day, I've just felt especially with the Worship like there is a depth of maturity that the body of Christ that you have grown into throughout this. And like let that truth of that settle in like things that used to would have freaked you out you know and we all freak out in our own ways but you you faced and you've overcome and you've wrestled through with the Lord and we're at the tail end of of birthing of justice birthing the next generation of leaders and one of the definitions for the name Caleb is just is a is a dog that's the word in Hebrew but it's specifically the character traits of a dog that is faithful and loyal and you know tenacious and aggressive and hangs in there and that is who we are that's who we've grown to be and I want the enemy to know it's been worth every bit of it. Every bit of it and we're prepared for the final stages of this birthing and there may be moments where we're you know it's it's intense and scary and we need to blow the shofar and all the things but we're not going to flinch because we are sure of who our God is and where we are headed and we need to In in these next few weeks, whatever it looks like or doesn't look look like. A couple things. One is we're prepared for this. You know, just as this body was made to do what it did and it was hard but she did it, you know? And love, there is there's no replacement for love and love looks like something. It looks like being generous when you're not sure you have enough. It looks like being kind, fully present with the person that's right in front of you and seeing them Like Jesus does and not caring if they even know who Jesus is. And and just the nuances of what love looks like coming through you. That's really the the most simple way to look at what the kingdom of God looks like coming through everyone of us is love. A practical, real, sacrificial, extravagant expression of love. And we're ready for it and so what I was saying about worship is I just so appreciated the worship here today because there's a maturity about it. You know, I'm used to having words for the whole thing and all that. So, but but to be in the presence of musicians who have this like aged wine. I don't even really like wine but it's there's there's a maturing that they have been through individually but as as a band that's played together, they hadn't played together. I think in three years, is that right, you guys? Anyway, know who to ask but it's been a while but they just fit, you know, right in pocket with each other and and that sound that we heard all day today was the sound of a mature bride. Like we really are growing up and I just just want to speak that to your spirit. You really are growing up. You're doing better than you think you are. Alright, one last thing, this is just a practical thing. So, the books We have a lot left and we are so happy to share them with you. If you were unable to get a book or books today because you're just in a season where your budget is tight and this is there was not room in the budget for that right now. It would be our honor to give you whatever you feel like the Holy Spirit wants you to to have off the table. So, as you leave tonight, if there's one, two, or three books that you feel like you're supposed to have and you cannot pay for them, please feel free to grab them with zero guilt. Nobody comes into House of the Lord not leaving with what they need. So if there's something you need, take it. That's good. Yeah. Thank you. The guilt only starts if you take four books or more. Because that means you took at least two of one. I'm just kidding. It was like, she probably disagrees with me on that. Alright. So, I'm going to ask you to stand with me. I just want to invite the presence of the Lord to this place and I want to ask you if you'll just hold both your hands out like this to receive. Holy Spirit, I just ask that you come into this place in increased presence. We know you are here already but there is something about the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit and I ask that your manifest presence would come into this room and that you would just pour into everyone that is here tonight. Presence, sweet presence. Maybe a presence they haven't felt in a long time. Maybe for some a presence they have never felt. Where there's been dry souls, dry spirits that it be like refreshing water, spring waters, fresh spring waters for them. So just keep your hands hold in front of you. Now I'm just going to tell you that he's releasing healing right now in this room. Steve has already been speaking earlier of healing. We had testimony of several and just going to tell you the way you'll know this is the conversation I had with the Holy Spirit before the meeting is if your hands begin to shake. He is healing you of something. And I see some of those and if your hands have begun, it's going to be like both of them. Just a gentle shake. Means he's pouring healing into you right now. I'm just going to ask you to lift your hands up if that's not only those who's you look at your hands like, oh my goodness, they are shaking. Then, lift your hand up to receive fully the healing he has for you even right now. Go ahead and lift your hand, yeah. Okay. So We're just going to stay here just for a moment. Let your healing power be increased in this place. Your healing power be increased in this place, Lord. From the top of their heads to the sole of their feet. Release healing power. The kingdom of God comes in power. Okay, there it's increasing. We're going to stay with it because it's increasing. It's increasing. Now raise your hands up if your hands you can tell that it's on if the person beside you doesn't see it and you see their hand like hey by the way your hand is shaking. You're being healed of something. Doesn't even matter if you didn't know what it was. We got so many things I've been trying to make us sick with. You cannot have anything diagnosable you know of and he's still healing you of it. Little more. Little more. Holy Spirit just release that. Oh yeah. Wow. Yeah and if you knew of something you need to be healed of assume that's what he's healing you of. Let healing flow in this room. Let healing flow in this room. Let healing flow in this room. For the rest of you just enjoy the presence. Presence because that heals you too. Sweet presence. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord. Alright, you can be seated. Thank you, Jesus. Alright, from either before early in the day, I think Steve had counted there were seven to have been healed and even right now, you just know you were healed. The pain left. Something happened. You're like, I was just healed. So, either you already stood up before. If you could just stand up saying, you were healed today. I just want to see, see that. Okay. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Two, three, four, Thank you Jesus. That's like 30 or forty and he's working on the rest of you. Some of you just like, well, he came on me. I don't know exactly what I'm being healed but as soon that presence is going to stay on you during the meeting. Alright, we just we're not going to go long. Be out of here by midnight. No, I'm just kidding. And you know, it was really, I was really enjoying Andrew and what you were sharing. It was just really good. Loads of revelation. You know, that's and then we both kind of throw out a lot of revelation. So, iron sharpens iron or makes revelation jump. So, he's saying things and I'm like, oh my goodness. You know, he's talking about the monacle's pizza and and wasn't dispelling but of course, I just like I know what it is but I just look it looked it up first definition, corrective lens. Monacles and so they're getting this y'all were eating monacles pizza. Well, you had to hear like if you just join in now and you weren't here for that meeting then now you have to go listen to that one because that's only way it it makes sense but it's even in that and so that was one of the amazing things but you know, there's something God shares his secrets with friends. And there's something to be honored and respected of how Andrew has advanced in his relationship with the Lord. He's being told secrets. An important secret. Secrets for our nations. I don't know if you all heard that that word of the Lord over who wins the election and even if there's a attempt at a steal. That's just something he got from the Lord there and it's consistent with all those dreams he got at the beginning of the year that were released in the book they had. So I just I just want to appreciate that. Honor that Andrew. And keep sharing the way you share you know. That's that's good. He just does it humbly. It's who he is and you know it's a good example for all of us. And it was just I just felt like there was a lot of meaningful revelation there. And you know the whole thing. Still I'm I'm still I keep talking to him. I was like now tell me again about that dream because I process his stuff as well. What the Lord sharing with me. And I thought that was that whole thing of the sign of Jonah which is resurrection life and how that applies now and how the Lord, you know, Jonah's transformation to Nineveh was in a whale and it's just interesting. Andrew Whalen is telling us about the sign of Jonah. It's like the Lord just like they go when when you think they're going to figure this part out. You know, it's like I just love it. That's what's so fun about prophetic and Revelation and all that kind of stuff and so it really has been special but I'm going to dig in just a little bit with us mainly to go into some more prophetic acts tied into what was some of you may be asking why was the theme strike the ground seven times and though you know it's been awesome so far we like well we haven't really Andrew briefly mentioned the strike the ground and I want to take you to what the story is and then what the Lord For us today and I believe there's there's a couple supernatural things he wants to do in our midst and that's mainly we want to what we want to facilitate today. So if you want to open your Bibles to second Kings and chapter thirteen because this is where the story of that we get the striking the ground seven times even though it doesn't specifically say strike the ground seven times. There's a reason we've added a couple to it. Or one or 2. So verse fourteen. Elisha had become sick with the illness of which he would die. Then Joash the king of Israel came down to him and wept over his faces oh my father, my father, the chariots of Israel and their horsemen. We'll just stop there for a second. You ever thought why did he say that? If you know the rest of the story here, you don't even like, why did he say that? The chariots of Israel and their horsemen. Well he's remembering that this is Elisha back in verse well chapter six. It's where the Syrians were again the enemy and Gehazi Elisha's servant tells Elisha he's we're surrounded. We're surrounded by the enemy. The Syrian army to come to get us. The reason they're doing that is because the whole enemy army is out to stop the prophetic. Cuz you have the army of the Assyrians, the king meets with his general say, okay, which one of you is betraying me over and over because they keep knowing our plan. We keep setting up an ambush for Israel and they know it ahead of time. When the general says, none of us are are the traitors. What it is is they have somebody who sees. His name is Elisha and he's the prophet and every plan you do, he's he's listening in on us right now. He's eavesdropping. He has some NSA high-intel stuff but he doesn't use NSA and so he's listening right now and so he makes it the entire campaign of the the King of Syria. We gotta stop the prophetic. We gotta stop the seeing eye. And so they surround him and Gehaze the servant of Elisha is shaking. But Elisha he quite calmly says Lord please open his eyes. Clearly not talking about his natural eyes. But he did need corrective lens. But he didn't need to see better with his natural eyes. He just needed his spirit eyes to be open. And suddenly his servant could see the cherry and the horsemen on the mountains surrounding the Syrians. So, he's this is what he's remembering who Elisha was, the great victory that they had and so, I believe that's why there's a comment there. Of course, the rest of that story is Elisha then just leads them. They all are blinded. The prophet blinds the whole army. So, he sees for God and then blinds the whole army like one man who can see. See it's a pretty incredible story and then he leads them into them to the king of Israel say well these guys they've been trying to ambush and kill you but here they are like should we destroy them no no no anyway that's a whole another story but this is relevant to where we're going verse fifteen and Elisha said to him take a bow and some arrows so he took himself a bow and some arrows this is to the king Joash then he said to the king of Israel put your hand on the bow so he put his hand on it and Elisha put his hands on the king's hand hands and he said open the east window and he opened it then Elisha said Shoot and he shot and he said the arrow of the Lord's deliverance and the arrow of deliverance from Syria for you must strike the Syrians at Aphek until you have destroyed them. Then he said take the arrow so he took them and he said to the King of Israel strike the ground. So he struck three times and stopped. And the man of God was angry with him and said, you should have struck five or six times, then, you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it but now you will strike Syria only three times. This ends up being the last act of Elisha in his life. He dies. They bury him and they throw a body on him and he comes to life. So, Elisha's last act. This is his last prophetic act that he participates in and then the last thing he Does his resurrection life. It's tied into the fact that the Lord want to remind you this was pointed out to us by as I was sharing this morning. Andrew had a dream early in the year where this was the theme for this. He saw us here. This was a theme strike the theme strike the ground and it was being shared in Steve's building and we were speaking here and I was a closing speaker. So this is kind of a prophetic orchestra That's taking place right now and a ton of great prophetic stuff has already happened today but we're going to be obedient. Yeah. This is part of you have seen the credibility of Andrew, his ministry, the dreams, and so you see, there's a reason why we responded to them as well and said, yeah, this is this is of God. We don't do it blindly but it's like there's credibility there and then we respond and so this is the meeting that's happening here. So, we're going to go into a very important fulfillment of a prophetic act that was that's supposed to take place and want to explain it better for you and what took place because what you'll find out the last verse in second Kings thirteen says and Jehoash the son of Jehoaz recaptured from the hand of Benedict the son of Hazel the cities which he had taken out of the hand of Jehoaz his father by war three times Joash defeated him and recaptured the cities Israel. This goes into the remarkable power of a God-directed prophetic act. It's like we're going to find out like just on the plus. Like they recaptured all their cities because their one authorized king did a little bit mely mouthed obedience but he struck the ground three times and it didn't matter. It wasn't like got a new weapon. They got new anything. It was just a prophetic this is like straightforward prophetic act brought three Victories over the enemy and they recaptured all the cities of Israel. They just didn't destroy the enemy. So, you see on on conversely, if we consider, if he didn't do anything, if he's like, listen old man, you're about to die and the prophetic's a little flaky and fluky anyway. I don't know about this prophetic stuff. We need to be more pragmatic and practical. This, you know, you do this, you get better weapons, you outnumber the enemy, then you beat him. This idea of doing this and like God's going to do some magic for you. Well, he did. There was nothing else. So, that's this is encouragement of the prophetic obedience and the power that is in that in doing so. So, we want to be aware of that but what we're going to do, I believe is going to be monumental. It ties into that was the rest of the part of the dream Andrew gotten what the Lord told me earlier today. He's like, this is a very big day. This is a very important day and if you understand so he's like, well, that was a king. Would you know that that was part of the celebration in Revelation four and five after Jesus was revealed. He was the lamb that was slain and there was a new song that began sung in heaven. You have Made us kings and priests to our God and we shall reign on the earth. So, Joash was the king and this king obeyed. He didn't obey with as much passion and zeal as he should but he did obey and out of that obedience, there was victory for the whole nation. So, I believe literally something we're going to do here. Of course, we know we have a good online audience as well. So, this is participation hopefully into multiple nations. And this participation that we're going to invite you into is a prophetic act where we believe and understand that prophetic acts done in response and obedience to the Lord. Not just because we feel like being weird. This is not because we feel like being weird. This is literally it's a dream Andrew gave and I'm asking Lord and I'm like yes Steve hears it and he goes yes as well and so this whole thing is is from that and so it would be foolish for us to this would be like Elisha telling him here's the bow here's the arrows shoot he puts his hand it says about Elisha that he that he put his hand on the bow and Elisha put his hands on the king's hands and so it wasn't that he was supposed to shoot a bunch of arrows and I was trying to understand this as well. So, there is one arrow that shot into the enemy's field, into the into the land of the oppressor, the marauder. Into the heart of the deep state will give you upgraded updated language. And then just so we understand what they were going to do. Then he said strike the ground with the arrows. So it wasn't about shooting. It's funny. I read this many times and I always thought like he didn't shoot enough. Even I saw a picture drawing is like he shot three arrows but he should've shot five or six. Now he shot one arrow. It's two different things you do. One is you make the intentions, the decrees. We really have covered that today. The roars were They were decrees. It says open the east window. That's we face the sun. We face him and then we release. Of course everything from here is pretty much facing east. I you know where the far west as you can go. And then we go in that direction. And then there is shoot and you shot. And here's just a couple words we want to be aware of. The arrow of the Lord's deliverance. That word deliverance. And the arrow of deliverance from Syri is the word Yeshua. So, it is the Lord's salvation or the Lord's Yeshua that is talking about for you must strike the Syrians at Apech. What is that word Aphek? I know it's not pronounced that way but I like to pronounce it that way. Because I have no idea probably. So, anyway, that word means strength or fortress. You must defeat the enemy in their fortress, in their strong place, in their stronghold, where they think they're strong. This is where you must defeat them. I don't know if you all know but the northwest. Washington and Oregon, this is the deep state thinks they have already taken the northwest. Thinks. The Lord showed me, I don't know if it was here. I I somewhere in the northwest ten, 15 years ago, I said the Lord showed me it's a massive eagle's nest, the northwest. That's Washington, Oregon, Idaho. It's a massive one. Of course, the enemy knows where God has ordained something incredible and so it's not coincidental that Steve facing the teeth of Jezebelian attacks for 27 years has made his base and foundation here and so we're in an Elijah building and Elijah Pavilion right here and this is where the Lord saying do this prophetic act for the whole nation maybe the whole globe and I'll do something I'll do something you don't have to do it you don't don't think pragmatic like well do this and then go do so no this this is like all on its own Still with me? Okay. Take the arrows so he took them and he said to the king of Israel, strike the ground so he struck three times and he stopped. Alright, we gotta give you this word. The word strike. Strike the ground. I knew that was a key word. I was going like, what did he, what was wrong? Three times and it's like, no, do five, six or more. I'll tell you why we want to do seven times. What's wrong with three? And other than, I mean, they're kind of, it seems a little bit obvious. Okay, there was enough passion about it. He's doing, you know, I'm obeying but I don't really get how this is going to translate anything and we don't want to do that today. I guess part of I'm talking a few minutes here. We gotta get your your mind and spirit engaged even though it's late late in the day. We've been in meetings all day long and some of us over 30 and so you're tired and things like that. But we want to show we have to get our spirit stirred to show enough firepower for what we gotta do because literally, the entire judgment was on you did it passively and not energetically. Therefore, you're going to win back your cities but you're not going to destroy the enemy. It's like, man, that was severe. Because he knew it meant that he wasn't really sold on it. So, we have to be sold on prophetic acts. We need direction. We have to go, okay, this is God ordained. This is God orchestrated. This is the time, this is the place. So, I'm going to talk just a few minutes more to convince you of that but at first, I gotta tell you the word Naka to strike it means literally to strike severely, to beat, to clap, to give wounds to strike the ground. So, it was like You gotta hurt the ground with what you're doing. We're going to try not to hurt ourselves when we do this in a few minutes here but those who've us who are over 30 can hurt yourself. You strike the ground. Too severely. Okay, but a couple more things. You know, there and the revelation just coming so fast and furious sometimes is like, as you know, sometimes on those who watch programs like, I can't even process all of its coming too much and never can get to all of it but we're going to try to not like fire hydrant firehose you with it but there is like the Lord is reminding me of of why this place is special. Why organisms? One is the enemy thinks that he has a stronghold here. So, you must try Strike him at a you must strike him where he thinks. Come on. He's got its phone up. He's got it locked down. And then Back in 2thousand 17, August 21 of 2017, there was the famous That wasn't a lunar eclipse. It was a solar, a total solar eclipse. The first one was seven years ago this year, you know? It was August 21 and there was a path of totality that's 70 miles wide and it went all across the nation. I was going to get the picture put up and then I was like, you have to get permission. If somebody figures it out that's listening to me back there and you get, there's a picture of the United States and there it looks like a seat belt across the United States. It starts right at Albany and goes all the way to Charleston and that's the path of totality and I had a prophetic word back in 2017 about that pathway of totality and even why it started here I mentioned. We were barely friends at all I think with Stephen Doreen and I said this signifies this ministry and the whole prophetic is going to go to a whole another level as well and and so where was it for those who don't know? It start literally We're within five, 10 miles of where the 100% technical where where did the path of totality be total solar eclipse started and so it was here. It's right where we're at, you know, and and Salem which is what, 20 miles from here, was the first of seven Salems. Salem Charleston was the end. So, you have this looks like a seatbelt put over the United States and there is seven Salems in the path starting with Salem, Oregon and Salem courses the word shalom and shalom means more than peace. It's like peace and joy, well being. It's like, you know, way full word of of good stuff and I gave a word back then that the enemy was trying to do something to this country, a bad stuff but the Lord was processing was promising that there is a seat belt over us as a nation. He's taking care of his promises over us. I don't think that was it. That's August 122045. Somebody's way You're way ahead of me sometime. I don't know. So, if you find it, you find it but I'll keep talking. So, what was what's great about that is that you you can see where we're at right now. Why would the Lord give that promise seven years ago this year, seven years ago, August, not that long ago and we're facing what we're facing. Why? Especially if you think of seat belt on a plane. When do they make you put your seatbelt on? Things are we're going to have a little, we're going to have a few bumps here. Let's get the seat belt on. So, he's like, okay, you're going to have a few a few bumps. Boy, have we had some bumps, right? And so, there might still be more bumps but I believe the Lord is promising victory for us and the Syrians represent the oppressors. They were called and Hazel, king of Syria, oppressed Israel. They're the you know, that's that's what they were known for as oppressing them their quality of life and everything and the Lord just stepped in through Elisha. The people never were that obedient. They were still worshiping Baal. It tells you before and after. This was not these people have so my people called by my name humble themselves, pray, get rid of Baal They didn't do it. Had one prophet who activated this whole thing and so it's I'll read you the verse if you don't believe that. Verse twenty-three but the Lord was gracious to them and had compassion on them and regarded them because of his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and would not yet destroy them or cast them from his presence. That was them. That's not a word for us but that was them because they were still in Baal worship but there was such a grace, a prophetic grace. It's the power of the prophetic. So, you had this one God who knew how to operate in the prophetic that had already saved them from the Syrians before over and over and his ability to see and then see the opportunity for the nation to do great damage to the enemy. So, here's the other thing. So, we had the total solar eclipse of this year. Is that April eighth? It's hard to believe it's that long ago, wasn't it? Four eight. April 8, so this seven years apart and there's a total path of what they call the total path of darkness was 115 miles wide. The one back in 2017 was 70 miles wide. The seventy speaks into things but I know that's going to tax you with one too many numbers to look into. We're not going to give you that one right now but that path of totality from this year went Through seven Ninevehs. Two of them were full eclipse. Seven were partial other five were partial eclipse for a total of seven. Anyway, you look at it. Seven Ninevehs, seven states that had Nineveh in it and look that up and so we had seven Salems seven years ago, peace. Seven Nineveh's this year signed of Jonah. Nineveh ultimately was a city country. There we go. Nineveh was a city country destined to be saved by God and so he sends Jonah. Jonah has the greatest anointing You say, what's because they repented. Well, he knew because Jonah confirmed to us later. He says, that's why I don't like to go. You send me to a place and you never judge em. Every time you send me, it's because you're going to save em. So, the sign of Jonah is I'm going to save them. There is no judgement. So, this is all weaving together pretty pretty nicely. You see what I'm saying? Okay. Let me see if we're we're just about ready for That was August 21st of 2017. That's eighth month, 21st day. Romans eight twenty-one. I should just read you exactly rather than giving it to you. This goes with all the messages today starting with mine. 821 because I actually quoted from here and I said, creation is not groaning and travailing for Jesus to come back. It's smarter than the church. It knows the story line. It's like he made man in his image so man would begin to exert his image on earth, receive the kingdom, be salt, be light, bring the change, the God of peace, crushes Satan under his people's feet, okay? So, remember that was eight twenty-one, the one that started here, Albany, Salem went all the way across United States like you were seeing there just a moment ago and it says, because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children God. So, that was part of the promise. It was 8 twenty-one. You have the seat belt put across the United States and it says, my sons and daughters are going to arise and shine. And I say that that's one way of saying it but I want you to I want to read that one more time the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty again not of anybody not of Jesus of the children of God. That's why he's telling us over and over. Rise. Shine. Take authority. Stand up. Be salt. Be like. We give no glory to our maker, to our father to say, no, he does it. He does it. It's as bad as your 30-year-old child who lives with you won't do anything. He won't do it. The job is like, no, you take care of me. Sorry. Does that make you happy as a parent? The free-loading child, we have a free-loading body of Christ. And we're saying no, we're just being humble. You're not being humble. You're being a stinking free loader. Not you. Nobody here. We get liberty, we get glorious liberty, and creation itself responds. Creation itself enters into the next level of liberty. I mean, there's a whole message you're like, what's what it, what is that? It is worth a whole message but I have to leave that because we're we don't have time for that but it's awesome just to think about what God is saying here as far as us and our responsibility. Okay, see if there's a couple more points before we get into our prophetic act. Notes scratched up all over the place okay why is it seven yeah that's why so why are we doing seven instead of Elisha said do it 5 or 6 well clearly the five or six he was saying like at least five or six but seven we tie in with our assignment the seven mountain mandate what Jesus said when he said you are the light he said exactly about the light put it on a candlestick means you need seven types of light seven candles it wasn't one it wasn't tell them about Jesus and they get saved one like but God of government, God of media, God of education, God of economy, etcetera, etcetera. There are seven ways that he reveals his love and light and character in heaven and he said, in that very same message we didn't address it this morning but I don't know if people realize that the beatitudes, the salt of the earth be light and your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven is all part of his first great message and the masses the crowds after they're healed, they're stay with him hours and listen to the whole thing because though they came to him originally for healing and deliverance from demons, they wanted to know we just need to know what your philosophy is. What what are you about? What are you talking about and they stayed with him for all of it because it's fascinating because he tells them and when you pray, pray this way. Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Government like it is in heaven on earth. Media like it is in heaven on earth. Creativity like it is in heaven on earth. Family like it is in heaven on earth. Etcetera etcetera. The seven areas. So This is the original message from Jesus. He's not backed off of it. He's not going to. And this is something we're learning to align with and what we're going to do today is activate those because that's pretty much I think the reason all you who are here it was a sell out couple of weeks I think and most of you we found out over 90% of you are from the West Coast. So it's not like the Eastern people like you know they're coming like to rescue you all because you're all in so much trouble. You're like no we have faith for our own land. There are seven mountains. There are seven spirits of God and according to the scripture according to Revelation, the seven spirits of God or seven eyes of God or the seven spirits of God that looks be connected even with the chronicles scripture. The eyes of the Lord run to and fro through the whole earth looking for those looking for sons and daughters who don't say you do it all who will partner with him in bringing his kingdom on earth. So, that's that's going to be why we're going to the seven because we want to understand the seven. We want you to feel it on every It's like, okay, are we done to 7? We don't want to just do seven. We want to do it with conviction. Okay, we're almost there. We're almost there. Let's see. Okay. So, I was going to see how controversial this is but I think for y'all, it won't be. I was I was loving seeing the drums there. They say Jehu. You know? Who is Jehu? He's the guy that easily took out Jezebel. Speaking of we're saying Jezebel has said this is this is my home. This is my stronghold and and so we have Sunil there from his Jehu drums like no you're not and so you know part of my if my book Rise I have the principality is Jezebel over Arts Entertainment it's also one that's hangs over the Wicked Witch of the West is Jezebel as well and the archangel for that mountain and for the region is Jehudial. You're like, where'd you get that from? Well, it's from the book of Enoch. I don't even know if I got it from there originally but the Lord's had me as you know in the book of Enoch this year and it's amazing. Enoch talks several times about the seven mountains and he talks about Jehudial. And he's the principality and why is he the the principality from our side? He is the archangel. He's the one that has he makes Jezebel run easy We want to realize that in first Kings seventeen and then eighteen, you have Elijah takes out Baal easily. Kills, he himself personally slays the 65850 prophets of Baal after taking him on then Jezebel makes him give up in the next chapter. She says, I'm going to kill you and he just quits his ministry. He's like he's susceptible to Jezebel and he's he's like an angel comes and gives him a cake. He had some strength that was supposed to last him for 40 days. The first account of angel food cake in the scriptures. And and yet he he he literally quits so the Lord has to reassign the assignment and he gives it to Elijah and then Elijah is the one that then sends a man to Jehu says you're the king go take out Jezebel and so Jezebel who made even Elijah there's a whole story there we can't go into it I was trying to see if I had time but I don't okay there's why Elijah would give up why he would be susceptible there and why Elisha wouldn't be and why Jehu wouldn't. So you see Jehu comes here for we were not going to read the story but Jehu comes and he see it says Jezebel comes out onto the porch and she's all painted up. He says oh look who's been she's used to having authority over men. And Jehu says throw her down and they throw her down dog's eater. Like no drama. It's in Hollywood but no drama. That was and so and Is amazing and so the Lord spoke to me when he there is a whole revelation as I could take 30 minutes just on Jehudio and why he would be the archangel over this region and over the Mountain of Arts Entertainment. His name Jehudio means the glory goes to God. That's how you have authority over Jezebel. That's why those who want to be used by the Lord in the Mountain of Arts Entertainment have to go under that identity. If you're still needing to scratch an itch of your fame, it's like You're just not going to succeed there. So you have to go. The glory goes to God. That's why you're there. That's why you serve him. That's why you're creative. Etcetera etcetera etcetera. But I believe the Lord told me tonight that Jehudial is here. And and he's going to be watching our prophetic acts as well and he's going to be ooh. He's going to be assigned some things and he's going to be assigning because he has a massive army under him and this is going to be a big deal. This is going to be a big deal and it matters not where we're going to go to about two minutes here is is not about feeling some. It doesn't matter if you feel goosebumps. You don't need to laugh, fall out, break out in gold, or feathers. This is it's there's something about just obeying. I think Andrew was going into that some of his stories early on is like I didn't feel it but it's like gotta give him at least the obedience and I'm thinking if the Lord set this this thing up even if even I feel it now but even if we didn't feel a thing of it it's like just because the Lord's like giving us an invitation at this time he knew we're going to be this close to our election and he's like I'm giving you the story of Elisha whose life ends with resurrection from the dead even from his bones and I'm telling you I responded to the king that had authority and everyone of you, he has made us kings and priests to our God. He is the king of kings. We have all been delegated authority. This is what. So, we're kings here. So, what we're going to do today is as kings. It's like kings and queens but we're all kings and so this this this is we want to take it with that level of importance not trying to feel something but trying to be obedient and then, okay. We got the goods but I tell you a lot about the or something about the archangels just like you have to know whatever the enemy has that Our side has the greater version of it. You go, oh no, Jezebel. Jehudio has literally no problem at all with Jezebel. It's like Jehu did. It's like, just throw her down. Yeah. So Jehu that's why the name even follows as well today and so I believe we already did some roaring and taking down and I felt I Andrew I I he was he was not over his head at all. The Lord said no he's right in the authority realm I've given him. When he was casting out the witchcraft that's come against us, this region, our president, the nation and he did it in conjunction in joining with us but he was definitely within his authority realm of Doing that. So, we've done some things and there's a follow up to that right now. Alright, I'm sure we're ready for it now. Seven Ninevehs, seven Salems. Okay, so this is what we do. Alright, let's just stand. That's just so you can sit. No. So you understand we've done the first part. We've shot the arrow. Everything that happened today, the stuff Andrew let us through today, we shot the arrow. We said we're taking back our ground. The way that there's something so from what I understand, even this whole idea of strike the ground with arrows. What's that about? There there was it's supposed to be it's prophetic act or it was superstition. You hit the ground with your arrows and it releases something but you do it on the ground and it's gotta be you on the ground and you're and you're you're releasing something that goes and it shifts and changes things. So, here's what we gotta do. I'm not even sure how to facilitate this yet but I'm I'm figuring it out. We'll disappear. So, what we need to do, okay and I know it's going to be hard with chairs there and some of you over thirty and all that stuff. But what we wanted I've got one idea we can do is when we when I'm just going to release you in a moment and and but gotta first I gotta build a little rumble among us and make sure we're not we're not like just sleepy when we're doing this we yeah we gotta we probably almost need Andrew to lead another roar here but we you know we can do without it but you know begin to hear some drums in the spirit and you're something you know you you're just like you you gotta connect to something and you just feel some passion you gotta you gotta feel some I'd almost call the drummers up here but I don't think they're here and then they take over and we wouldn't us. So, it's best best best we don't best we don't do that but are you with me? Do you believe that this could really matter? Yeah. Like, we'll look back and say, this is the day we did it and an obedient prophetic act counting on the Lord and his armies to take care of the rest and we want it to go with us our clear intentions. Seven mountains, all our nation and if there's faith out there from listeners to let it go into their nations, go there as well. We need are greater weapons. The kingdom of God is not just words. It's power and the power comes from him and it is this whole stepping into the impossible realm and believing that. So, okay, here's what we do. Elizabeth saying, have compassion from Elizabeth. If you can't physically reach to four, you could do a stomp because he didn't say how you strike. That's correct. He didn't say strike with your hands. Okay, that's a good one. That's a good one. We want. Like you could. You know, practice a couple like Okay, that's a good idea. Strike it. I just realized. It didn't say strike with your hands. We want to be able to hear it here. Okay, and you don't have to stop at seven but you do not want to stop at three. This is not a polite thing. If somebody stops at three beside you, elbow him hard. Say, do not break the anointing mojo here. This is I I just remembered I don't need so have you ever Yeah. Yeah. When you say a phrase or let's just say Okay, when you think of the months of the year, does a mental picture come to mind? Okay. Well, that happened that's happened to me when I hear certain scriptures. The scripture and I can't think of where the verse the address of it is but the New Testament when it says and and the place where they prayed was shaken. I just connected a dot because I promise you, God is my witness right now that every time I've heard that verse or thought it, always the picture of the northwest of the United States comes into my mind. And I never made that connection until this moment just now and I just feel like God saying the place where we prayed shall be shaken. Come on. Alright. I'm going to count to three and just make sure you pass seven or get to seven and get ready but feel it. Alright, let's let's get do some Ugh. One, two, three. Oh. Whoa. Yeah. Whoa. Okay. I am sure we will not be chastised for being passive. I'll stand in for Elisha and said, you've done well. Alright. About lost my voice too. Must be the end of the conference. Okay. Holy Spirit saying a couple more things. So, stay there though. Many of you have been part of the activation of the seven signs for the seven mountains. We're going to do that right now and so what I'm going to do, you don't have to overthink it and I just feel like the Lord said that some of you just broke ground and say because this wasn't just for your nation, it was for you and so he can now show you something he didn't show you before Like he's going to add another mountain or another power. This is between him and you. Yeah. So, this is going to be Holy Spirit communicating to you. So, I'm just going to ask you, We take one more breath. I was getting into that. I was not going to be accused of being passive. So, If anybody's like, no, he's hypnotizing. Somebody said that because they've been meaning so like, I'm not I'm not doing you're under my power. Nothing nothing. This is Holy Spirit. So, I'm just going to say the seven things and you just be, again, if you're ready to receive that, just your hands out this way and yeah, there's going to be reasons some of you don't need to hear it again or whatever. That's not the focus right now. It's just he wants to pour out some new power. He wants to tell you about an expanded assignment on a certain mountain. So, the Lord wants to tell you about an assignment you have on the mountain of a Economy, a business gifting, entrepreneurial. Right now, as I'm speaking, it'll be more in just a minute when I ask the Lord to release the sign. That's when it's supposed to happen but your right hand, if your right arm is going to go numb. Or it begin to violently shake. Right arm numb, mountain of economy. If you feel that on your left hand or arm, it goes numb. It's mountain of arts and entertainment but he's telling you, you have a creative gift and he is freshly anointing it even right now. Even if he's told you about that before. If you feel a hand on your head, mountain of government, you may not even want that call. It doesn't matter. Kind of a sign you're supposed to go there. I'm just kidding but hand on your head, mountain of government. His, I mean, literal. Not like I think I feel wind, it's a hand on your head. If your feet begin to go hot or you feel it start going numb up your legs, mountain of media, how lovely on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news. Mountain of media, your feet If suddenly as I'm talking and when I I'm actually going to blow in the microphone in a moment and that's when he's really going to release the signs but if suddenly tears begin to come out of your eyes means he's taking a tear from his heart, his compassion, he's putting it in yours and he's expanding your horizons, your anointing for the mountain of family, tears, mountain of family. If Suddenly, you're hit with joy. That makes no sense.
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