Ron Vrooman and The Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly

Streamed on:

3 PM Monday, November 18, 2024

Many Americans are looking to get out from under the authority of the Administrative State and power-hungry politicians, and one option is the Jural Assembly process. Ron Vrooman is joining me to discuss this process and how others can get involved.

The steps to joining the Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly and doing your part to take back our power from the corrupt de facto government is to print out and fill out the Jural packet properly and send it in. Then familiarize yourself with the information, documents, and trials.
Afterward, contact us for a link to the meeting on skype.
Order of procedure for our Civilian Common Law Court of record:
1. We Notice (notify) the de facto entities with 7, 14, and 21 days to rebut our Claims.
They are told they must rebut our claims or they will be used as evidence for our Grand Jury.
2. Past the above allotted time, we hold a Grand Jury. Sixteen (16 ) Grand Jury members are a minimum; 25 is ideal. We usually have lots more.
From this, we write a Presentment of the jury’s decision to the de facto. This is then sent to those noticed who ignored, defaulted, and acquiesced to our Claims. May be sent to anyone afore-noticed as well as DAs, Sheriffs, et alas notification — a “heads up” as to what is transpiring with us and against them (aka transparency).
Once Presentment/True Bill is written and presented, we hold…
A Petite Jury Trial is called in the de jure and held — twelve (12) plus 3 alternates. We include any others with or without their bona fides who wish to be counted and put that into the record as well.

Everything is recorded and available on our website at
There you will find all of our documents with proof of service, as well.

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