LOL: Adam Schiff Is STILL Acting Like The Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax Is REAL

2 months ago

Posted • November 17, 2024: Adam Schiff seems quite perturbed about Donald J. Trump winning the 2024 presidential election and the administration he is putting in place. If you think about it, the amount of time and effort Schiff put into trying to destroy Trump only to have him come back bigger and stronger and with an even better administration has to really burn his backside. Can't even imagine breaking laws and pushing lies in an effort to remove the guy and yet here he is, in charge AGAIN. Hey, if that doesn't make Twitchy readers smile, knowing how much Schiff and other toads like him are suffering right now, we're not sure what will. Not to mention Schiff is very concerned about Trump's 'wrecking balls'. He means the people Trump is bringing on board … shame on you for thinking otherwise. Ahem. Take a look: Adam Schiff @AdamSchiff: “Voters elected Donald Trump to bring down costs. Not to take a wrecking ball to our national security, democracy or public health. We should be working to help people struggling to make ends meet. Not whatever this is.”

Except that's not really true, Adam. Americans overwhelmingly voted not only for Trump to bring prices down, but for him to take apart the enormous, overreaching, bloated federal government that is wasting billions of tax dollars everywhere. He's keeping a campaign promise he made. Sorry, not even a little bit sorry. Oh, and in case you're wondering, Adam is going back to his Russia Russia Russia roots … You're not going to believe this, but Adam Schiff is still acting like the Trump-Russia collusion hoax is REAL. 🤣 What a tool this guy is. -- False. We demanded and mandated a wrecking ball. -- He came in like a wreeeeeeecking ball … (…)

• More at: Twitchy - *COUGH COUGH* Adam Schiff Already Whining About Trump's 'Wrecking Balls' annnd Now We're Officially Dead

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