Alan Watt - Redux 187 - "You made my brain hurt, and it should be hurting." - Nov. 17, 2024

3 months ago

We are supplied our leaders and heroes. When they are pulled down, we ask WHY? - Alan Watt's 2008 interview with Chris Hinkley, Road Warrior Radio - Why is it necessary to admit we've been DUPED our WHOLE LIVES? - The theatre of politics. - How old is humanity? - Perfected sciences of CONTROL.

Hr One Topics: What are Non-Governmental Organizations? - Economic Crisis, Banking, Rothschilds - Britain, Secret Service - Who was Malthus? Culling Excess Population - How is the DIALECTIC Used from Conflict to Compromise? - Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis - Perception - CFR, RIIA - Rhodes Scholars - What is Service to World State? - Planned Ordo ab Chao - "New World Order coming into view" - Gorbachev - Targeting Young - How is Music, Theatre and Fiction Used to Destroy the Family and Tribal Unit? - Rand Corporation - Game Theory - Council on Foreign Relations - What is 'Bread and Circuses'? - How is Your BRAIN Rewired? - TV Flicker Rate, High-Definition - Rosicrucians, Pirates, Plunder, Royal Society.

Hr Two Topics: Medieval Times, KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, Chancellor of H-Chequer - John Dee (007) - What are Technocrats - Happy Slaves, Egosyntonic Behaviour - Machiavelli, Francis Bacon - Freemasonry - Catholic Church, Monastic Sects - Pyramid, Capstone, Wasteland - Eugenics - Genetics, Creation of New Human Species - MI5, Royal Family - How are PSYCHOPATHS Created? Selective Breeding for Traits - Ancient Egyptians, Normans - Power, Politics, Egocentricity - How does RELIGION Give Us a Sacred Status? - Scientists as New Gods, Scientific Tyranny - PSYCHOLINGUISTICS, Repetition, Slogans. Reece Commission, Blend of Soviet and American System - Mikhail Gorbachev - Tavistock and Opinion Polls, Mass Belief - Why does the PSYCHOPATH Feel No Shame? - World Bank, UN, Bail-Outs, - Nous (US) Password - Alan's "Cutting Through" books, Science of Language - Putin, Use of an "Enemy" - Georgia - Russian Supercities, Science - Phagocytes, Viruses - Israel.

Original Audio - Scroll to Oct. 24, 2008

Transcript - Alan Watt as Guest on "Road Warrior Radio" with Chris Hinkley on Republic Broadcasting Network - October 24, 2008

Chris Hinkley - Road Warrior Radio (RBN)

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