Sword Art Online Fractured Daydream: Co-Op Play 4 Part 12

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Hello everyone. Today we will be continuing our journey through the new virtual word of Galaxia in SAO Fractured Daydream. With all current story and DLC done, and cross-play available join me online to play with others in this new world. As always, please like and subscribe if u like the series so far and want to see more in the future.

Link to my Twitch:

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Link to My personal Discord if interested:

Feel free to add me if you like on Switch:

My in-game code if u like to add me no matter what version your playing for cross-play:

Here's a link for if you wanted to know what codes are available for the game that you can use (keep in mind this list does not include player exclusive codes that are 1 time use for 1 person):

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