Amy Klobuchar Earns EPIC Ratio After Saying RFK Jr. Believes Dangerous Conspiracy Theories

3 months ago

Posted • November 17, 2024: Remember the saying 'People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones'? Yeah, that. Amy Klobuchar really thinks she's going to make a case against RKF, Jr., by calling him a dangerous conspiracy theorist, and demanding the leader of HHS follow facts and science. -- Amy Klobuchar @amyklobuchar: “RFK Jr. has pushed conspiracy theories that would threaten our nation’s health and safety. Secretary of Health and Human Services is a serious job that requires a leader who follows facts and science.” -- Reminder that Amy Klobuchar voted to confirm Rachel Levine to HHS, and Rachel Levin is a man who thinks he's a woman. You believe men can have periods and get pregnant, STFU lady. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Amy Klobuchar Earns EPIC Ratio After Saying RFK, Jr. Believes Dangerous Conspiracy Theories

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