Just Mayhem with Mel Update 17 Nov 2024

3 months ago

A great lady down under, called Mel. She's on the ball this lady, a great mind and yet another great female Freedom Fighter out there.

Be sure to get on Telegram and follow here on her channel, link given below


💥💥💥Mayhem w/ Mel💥💥💥
💥Sizzling Sunday💥
▪️Welcome, Welcome Welcome,
Ladies & Gentlemen
..Exciting times.▪️
💥Nov 17, is Q DAY💥
▪️IT IS DONE, ALPHA & OMEGA ▪️💥▪️💥▪️💥▪️💥▪️💥▪️💥
💥USC just been announced, Elon Musk wearing belt says alpha/omega…..💥
▪️Nov 17, is Oct 17 Chinese Calendar is 88▪️Been seeing lots of comms lately▪️
💥Nov 17, 13 lucky number, on Julian Calendar it is NOV 5…💥
▪️Nov 18, 99, 1+1=8…▪️
💥BRICS , Pink Floyd song, Another Brick in the wall…💥
▪️Doge, a frequency, as DJT , long ago wore a suit with BRICK covering it, comm long ago..▪️
💥XI visiting Peru, Peru in Forex💥Iraq/ Iran READY to ROCK& ROLL💥💥💥💥💥
▪️REVERSE SYMBOLISM…the 100 BRICS NOTE , significant linked to ALL COUNTRIES, READY to GO…..▪️▪️▪️
💥1 BRICS NOTE EQUAL TO 214 USD/ to be USTN….which is linked to Ledger Stellar Network, connected to SILVER, once LIVE, silver to go to 214$ per ounce💥💥Use US debt clock as an indicator 💥
▪️Who is Elon Musk….Mr Manhattan is connected to with Iran and X, the New BRICS payment system will be linked to XRP LEDGER💥💥💥
▪️Iran and Iraq closely tied connections…. Keep an eye here▪️
💥DOGE is a COIN, an imaginary coin, representing what is to come….Unity of cultures….💥
💥Doge, releases departments
of government agencies, as seen in Australia with the new I.D…..💥
▪️ISO22 coin base is the ONLY coins that will survive on QFS..▪️
💥DOGE, on X part of regulations of tax codes in US… and part of Gesara….💥💥💥💥💥💥
Symbolism $ notes signs…SEE LINKS PROVIDED…💥💥💥
▪️DJT cancelled CAPITAL TAX will be abolished, Is this also talking about DC to be abolished?
💥On DJT ‘s X account an SILVER CHECK was placed, which SILVER is atomic #47, DJT 47 President, AG is A=1, G =7, which is 17..💥💥
▪️Iraq in parliament now, this EVENING WATCH FOREX…are related to SILVER….▪️▪️▪️
💥Nov 18, a 99 marker, as GG steps down, resignation as second chair goes somewhere else?
(77, 88, 99), not all is bad💥
▪️Turkeys being sent to India, Is this symbolic for having a wonderful Thanksgiving?▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️
💥Regulations, remember the Chevron cases, correlation to DJT Statement that Karoline, with a K
on X, that she is a very tough and effective communicator, Is this symbolic for 99 on get Smart 99?
Watch her on X….account💥
▪️Elon said trimming the FAT from the waste of government, another DOGE… Keep an eye out▪️
💥RFK, named HHC, lots of registration since he was named head of department, watch CDC on Nov 18….💥💥💥💥💥💥
▪️Nov 19, CDC regulations, CV19 linked to computer virus, IS this a set to take out the old Internet?💥💥💥💥🎉🎉🎉
▪️3606, there was no step 5, Is this the END?▪️▪️▪️
💥DJT Sentencing for the hush alleged crimes, PAUSED till NOV 19, as was his Presidency PAUSED for 4 years, NO 46, no step 5…. The END alpha/ omega💥DJT the 19 Prez of the NEW REPUBLICAN….💥💥💥💥💥💥
▪️Iceland Summit, Iceland (cleanings) as its currency revalued few years ago, the 20 thru 23 is to finalize…Again the fundamentals come into play… another BOOM, boom week💥💥
▪️LISK (Etherium)goes LIVE on Nov 21, using Worldwide Network, GESARA/ silver assets, also watch the football …..▪️💥▪️💥▪️💥
💥Nov 19, Russia cuts oil to Austria, Is this the cutting of the Internet Cable?💥💥💥
▪️Nov 21, FLARE NETWORK, the connection of everything, the V2 oracle goes LIVE…See Link provided 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
▪️Prez Modi of India finished his visit of all multilateral days….BRICS ……💥💥💥💥💥💥Nov 22, our New Zodiac signs to begin…New Calendar starts
11-11-11…. VERY EXCITING 💥💥
Looking forward to catching up on Wacky Wednesday, Stay Safe, grounded, and happy, For me it’s
A GM, GA, GN, and see you all on the FLIP SIDE….💥💥💥
▪️▪️▪️Sizzling Sunday w/ Mel by td, USA▪️▪️▪️

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