Illuminati Card Game with P.J. Williams

3 months ago

P.J. Williams from Dark Ocean joins the show to discuss the various examples of predictive programming found within the Illuminati Card Game.

Released in 1995, the Illuminati Card Game is a collectible card game created by Steve Jackson Games and was designed as a "tongue-in-cheek" take on conspiracy theories. It is set in a satirical, conspiracy-laden world where players take on the roles of secret organizations (such as the Illuminati, UFOs, or government factions) competing for control of world events.

The Illuminati Card Game gained attention in part because of its eerie similarities to real-world events that occurred after the game's release. Some have speculated that the game contains elements of "predictive programming"—the idea that media subtly prepares the public for future events by making them appear more familiar when they happen. The theory suggests that the creators of the game might have had insider knowledge or were somehow connected to global elites and their plans.

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