3 months ago

From a perspective of the EVOLUTION of CONSCIOUSNESS, March 2023 will be remembered in the HISTORY books as one of the most pivotal and transformational months that we have experienced so far!

We are, perhaps for the very first time, seeing a massive Chrysalis in the Human DNA and starting to see the first signs of ATOMIC TRANSMUTATION, as we journey from Human to Superhuman and ACTIVATE all of our dormant DNA Strands. We are born with the potential of 2 bodies in one lifetime - one that was born into the 3D matter and the shifted 5D state. Being Superhuman is not just about optimized function and potential or gifts like telepathy, walking on water and bilocation. It is the literal shifted state from being human in 3D physical forn to being the energetic body, the 5D body that works with energy, and not matter. There is SO MUCH happening behind the scenes, and its exciting to witness!

March is one of the most significant months of the year from an Astrological perspective and we will begin to see a record level of forward-momentum in our lives. Our repressed emotional wounds will come to the surface and we will be presented with the opportunity to heal these wounds and set things straight.

We are once again moving into higher uncharted territory as Solar Flares continue to intensify we will begin to see massive changes surfacing in our lives.

Looking forward to today's transmission - see you all in a few hours :-)

EldoRa & Siman

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