Personal Hygiene for Women Part 1 US Navy 1943

3 months ago

This military training film outlines for the Navy enlisted woman the routines she must establish and the habits she must acquire to remain in the best physical condition for performing her assigned duties. Advice is given on diet, sleep, exercise, relaxation, posture, girdles, shoes and stockings, foot-strengthening exercises, foot care, care of shoes and clothing, bodily cleanliness, body odors, skin, hand, nail, and hair care, skin diseases, head and body lice, care of the teeth, constipation, reproductive system, the menstrual cycle and care of the body during menstruation, douching, and vaginal discharges. Women are shown properly performing the above hygienic routines. Shots include: women navy personnel at their various assigned duties. Animation and three dimensional models are used to illustrate some anatomical structures and functions.

Produced by United States Navy Dept. Bureau of Aeronautics and United States Navy Dept. Bureau of Medicine and Surgery

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