Taking Action to Align with The State of Peace - a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

1 month ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for November 9: "Taking Action to Align with The State of Peace” You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Be practice: Make peace your goal before every interaction.
2 - Practice using the interaction to trust God more. That this interaction is here to help me practice choosing peace.
3 - Throughout the interaction, ask yourself: "are my thoughts, words and actions leading me to the state of peace.
4 - Recall that judgment's roads have never delivered to you the state of peace.
5 - Each thought you have leads you to peace or away from peace.
6 - Everyone in your interaction/experience is in reality helping you practice choosing peace. Thank them for this.
7 - You are controlling your thoughts when the truth in you/love is sharing them. Loving thoughts.
8 - You are not in control of your thoughts when your thoughts are unloving in nature. This shows you that the ego's your past programming is in control.
9 - Being all One, if you deny love/peace/joy from another you are withholding it from yourself.
10 - You, in every moment are making the best decision possible with the physical, emotional and spiritual that you have at that time.
11 - Honor those who have passed by becoming the light of the world that God created you to be. That's what makes them happy and proud of you.
12 - Perfection created you, thus your decisions in each moment, being Perfection's creation, are perfect.
13 - A meditation to invite those who have passed into your presence in order to forgive and heal.
14 - Using all your past life experience, put them in your spiritual tool belt, to help others heal.
15 - Another meditation - healing your relationship with those who are still on Earth but not available or in your physical presence.
16 - The forgiveness exercise. Thinking about your life. Who have I not forgiven? Who has not forgiving me? Go through "the Rolodex" of your life.
17 - Ask the Holy Spirit: "Please bring into my mind all those I have not yet forgiven and all those who have not forgiven me.
18 - Whatever negative thoughts/challenges come up, do not judge yourself for this. God knows you are ready to deal with it.
19 - If your programmed responses do not bring you peace, stop supporting your past programs with your time/focus and energy.
20 - Forgiving others their dreams of you.
21 - Thank your brothers and sisters for offering you the opportunities to consciously shift from fear to love, form judgment to forgiveness, and thus from pain to peace.
22 - The more you practice coming back into alignment with the loving mind of God, the more natural and normal this behavior will feel.
23 - Helping people with mental health issues. Using other healing tools other than medications. Funtional medicine doctors. Cognitive behavior therapist. Seasonal depression.
24- Allergy testing. Exercise. Know your Vitamin levels. Using meditation to lower anxiety.
25 - Do your own research, become an active participant in your healing journey.
26 - Look for people who have overcome what you are going through and see how they did it. They provide you that light at the end of the tunnel.
27 - Don't punish yourself for your journey, no matter how dark it gets. You will overcome. Then you'll become a bright light for others dealing with those issues.
28 - Your challenges are part of your mission.
29 - Learn to pat yourself on your back more for your growth, healing and awakening process. You are being who God created you to be.
30 - No matter how complicated the ego's drama is, you are always just one simple and gentle choice away from peace.
31 - Being all One, being of service to others helps bring you peace.

Taking Action to Align with The State of Peace. Monday's 'Daily Inspiration'. November 9th Condense version.

To experience peace during your day, focus on the following three steps. First, make peace your goal before every interaction. Second, increase your level of trust in God. Remember that the Divine is always working with your best interests in mind. Third, be grateful to everyone who enters into your experience. They have come into your presence to help you practice and thus reinforce the first two steps. When you go into an interaction with the goal of peace already set, the experience becomes a means to achieve your goal. Before every interaction, remind yourself, “Peace is my goal.” Throughout the interaction, silently ask yourself, “Are the thoughts I’m thinking, words I’m speaking, and actions I’m taking moving me in the direction of peace or away from it?”

Today, if you are not at peace, do not put yourself or others down. Instead, see it as a call from your soul inviting you to awaken to your true nature, to the ever-present availability of the state of peace. When the ego insists that you judge yourself or others, remember that you have travelled those dead-end roads thousands of times before, and they have never brought you to the state of peace...

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call. https://www.chosentoremember.com/zoom-with-james/#signup
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YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/peaceofmindnow

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