3 months ago

For far to long we have had to fight for nothing and watch the rich get richer and the corruption in government agencies and politicians and Hollywood and music industries and all industries go unchecked. We have been forced to sign extortion tickets and watch the blue line corruption obey orders from corrupt judges and politicians and federal government agencies. We have had our dreams of owning a home a good trustworthy car or truck or whatever else stolen by the government and politicians. We have paid to much in taxes and fines and fees and been forced to buy things we don't want or really need by the government agencies. We have been lied to by the propaganda system set up by the CIA. The CIA and FBI has been allowed to commit crimes against humanity and the American people who choose to exercise their own constitutional rights and freedoms ! The tyrannical treasonous traitorous government goes unpunished and eats like a king while the people are starving. The government has allowed big pharmaceutical companies to poison us. The government has allowed drug cartels to run rampaging in our streets. Government has made the law enforcement officers uneducated and tied their hands ! We have allowed the prison system to get over run by those people sitting on D row and life .
We are sick and tired of the left wing nut jobs looting and stealing and crying racism and lies in the streets. Please share this 🙏 Thank you God is still in control 🙏

#godsplan​ #God​ #americanfreedom​ #trump​ #trumpvance2024tosaveamerica​ #constitutionalrights​ #whitedeertexas​ #Texas​ #accountability​

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