Warning! Before You Simplify or Reduce Fractions, Learn How to Factor First! 4th & 5th Grade Math

1 month ago

We already learned what a prime and a composite number was here: https://youtu.be/SOtEpize3_g
What's even? What's odd? Watch more INTEGER videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjyUkG71T8hfjEVu3YaSc3I_61avhrXPy

Now it's time to break down numbers in terms of their prime factors. If you're lost in the sauce and/or your head hurts, don't worry. This is a jam packed, zany math video, but we have to pull out all the stops here to show these primes in action. You will also learn the first 25 primes, in case you didn't watch the aforementioned primes and composites video. Hint hint!

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Job 38:4-5

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