The Vesuvius Conspiracy: An eruption to be kept secret One million people with a fate already sealed

2 months ago
Keeping the likely arrival of an eruption a secret? It has happened before. And it could happen for Vesuvius if emergency plans remain what they are now.
The Vesuvius Conspiracy: a breathtaking thriller, written by an expert in volcanic emergency management, that begins in the Aeolian Islands where, following a volcanic disaster, a Civil Defense, now subservient to the military, decides to rush the drafting of the Vesuvius Emergency Plan by entrusting it to two of its brightest experts but ousting the politically unreliable Director of the Vesuvius Observatory. A plan that was soon put in a drawer so as not to disturb politicians and bosses in the Vesuvius area.
Some time later, a military satellite reports a thermal anomaly in the Vesuvian area. It is the beginning of the End.

Francesco Santoianni
A former adjunct professor at the University of Naples, where he taught Disaster Management, he worked in civil protection for 40 years. He specialized in volcanic emergencies at the United Nations Disaster Relief Office (UNDRO) in Geneva and, serving on the European Union Civil Protection Task Force, dealing with volcanic emergency planning in the Azores and Antilles. In addition to this thriller, he has published (in English, on Amazon) “The man from Leningrad” and “The DNA Conspiracy”

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