You Should Not Vaccinate Against Viruses That Keep Mutating

3 months ago

11/16/2024 Moroccan gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan: You should not be vaccinated against the viruses because they are constantly mutating, as is the case with the covid-19. When you start developing the bacteria or the virus, then the vaccine didn't work.
#covid19 #covidvaccine #mutation #HPV #immunity #VaccineDisaster
11/16/2024 摩洛哥胃肠病学家Sabine Hazan博士:人们不应用接种疫苗来预防病毒,因为病毒一直在变异,新冠病毒也是如此。当你开始染上细菌或病毒时,那就说明疫苗没有起到作用。
#新冠病毒 #新冠疫苗 #变异 #人乳头瘤病毒 #免疫力 #疫苗灾难

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