Final Fantasy 7-Rebirth- Part 5 - Avalanche adventures #finalfantasy7rebirth #ff7rebirth

3 months ago

It's here, its finally here. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is finally upon us.

I am absolutely delighted to be here to play this game with you all and see what expansions they've made on the existing story, while also praying they've not strayed to far from the "fixed point" area's, one in particular. You know what I mean.

For many this game is a childhood gem, for some, this is a brand new experience, I promise to try my best to keep the spoilers from the OG to myself, maybe some clues 😂.

Don't forget to drop a like, if you've stopped by, its free and helps the channel and other small ones like mine to no end.

Thank you so much for joining me on this incredible journey :)

Final Fantasy 7-Rebirth- Part 5 - Avalanche adventures #finalfantasy7rebirth #ff7rebirth

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