Walter Veith - Sabbath The Confrontation: Maine Camp Meeting Aug 2024

3 months ago

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#HolyDay #GodsLaw #RememberTheSabbath
This word in connection with the Sabbath seems to have been forgotten.
We easily seem to forget the importance of this word from God's point of view.

It is about a day of rest. What's more, it is about a relationship with the author of life.
It is about respect and it is about reverence, unfortunately these attributes are also subject to the ravages of time.

Why God gave us the Sabbath is self-explanatory.
But what prevents us from accepting it properly as a gift?

And that is precisely why Dr. Walter Veith has made it his task to remind us that we must not forget.
Because there is a battle going on right before our eyes for this divine proposal of love.
It is not just a battle of ideologies, it is a battle of power, of claiming the right to change God's Holy Law.

And it has consequences for anyone who opposes it, be it on one side or the other.

What have you chosen? REMEMBER!

#RememberTheSabbath #SabbathRest #GodsLaw #SabbathReminder #DrWalterVeith #BattleForTheSabbath #KeepTheSabbathHoly #HolyDay #SabbathTruth #SabbathIsAChoice #LoveAndRest #GodsHolyLaw

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