The legal fraud exposed! Unveiling the legal deception.

3 months ago

The legal fraud exposed! Unveiling the legal deception.

Legal entrapment is unlawful and a crime!

The highest Law what is still acknowledged and is recognized in a Court of Law,  is as follows;

1.Divine Law, Aba's law, The Torah law.
2. COMMON law/ old BARONS Law/ MAGNA CARTA (Given by BARONS).
3. CANON Law, law of Catholic Church.
4. STATUTED Law/ Acts, (Corporation Law, "Legal Fraud", BOND of EQUITY,  BIRTH CERTIFICATE, "NAME in CAPITALS".

Law is for the living (wo)man.
Legal is for your "NAME in CAPITALS", "Bonds of equity", "legal fraud", wire your Birth certificate beter known as "The Cestui Que Vie act 1666".

This babylonian system, One world government, a New World Order NWO; The synagogue of satan, those who call themselves Jews but are not as they lie "Zionists", The Babylonian pagan Vatican, Jesuits & joint Banking Cartel. Inverting & unveiling in "order out of chaos/ Ordo Ab Chao" for Revaluations & Prophetic times. Their means to control, Gain God given rights & wealth, you means to restore it.

Restoring the "man & "Divine law", law vs legal. CQV "The Cestui Que Vie act 1666".

Investigate, follow facts & no feelings.
Take The narrow straight gate. IN-VESTI-GATE (vesti means; news), to go straight to the source & gain evidence.

We are members of the growing public enquiry, public servants, messengers Restoring "man" & "Divine law", The Torah law. Legal entrapment is unlawful & a crime. Protect your family and your private property.

Aba Blessings.


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