Identification EW Kenyon Part 1 (Part 5 Paul Revelation)

3 months ago

12 Who We are and What We Have In Christ Realities!!! If You Confess 12 Things You Have and Are In Christ You Will Be Less Likely To Forget What Manner of Person You Are!!!
12 Who We are and What We Have In Christ Realities!!! If You Confess 12 Things You Have and Are In Christ You Will Be Less Likely To Forget What Manner of Person You Are!
1. I am a New Creation. 2 Cor. 5:17
2. I am Delivered Col. 1:13
3. I am Righteous. 2 Cor 5:21
4. I am Sanctified.
5. I have Boldness, Access
6. I have Eternal Life John 3:36
7. Always Triumph. 2 Cor 2:14
8. Can do all things in Christ Phillipians 4:13
9. Jesus is My Wisdom, Righteousness Sanctification, Redemption.. 1 Col. 1:30
10. Needs are met by God. Phillipians 4:19
11. Have Freedom No Condemnation, Romans 8:1-2
12. Blessed With All Blessings, and Healed. Ephes 1:3, 2 Peter 2:24
I am Identified with JESUS!!!
• I was Crucified with Christ. Galat 2:20
• I Died with Christ. Col 3:3
• Was Buried with Christ. Rom6:3
• Made Alive with Christ. Ephes 2:5
• Conquered with Christ. Col2:15, Heb 2:14
• Raised with Christ. Col3:1
• Seated With Christ. Ephes 2:5,6
9. Zoe Life of God through Jesus Realities
The Two Kinds of Life - YouTube
Receive Jesus in your heart and you Will Receive Zoe Eternal Life which will Make You Rapture Ready Ephes 1:10 In Christ!!
1. I am a Partaker of His Divine Nature. 2 Peter 1:4
2. Have Zoe Life Abundantly John 10:10
3. Zoe Is My Present Possession John 5:24
4. I Reign In Zoe Life Romans 5:17
5. I have a Spring and Rivers of Zoe Life Water! John 4:14, 7:38
6. We have Passed from Death To Life from satans power to the power of God. John 8:12,Acts 26:18
7. The Life of God will Live Itself In Me. Galatians 2:20
8. The Life Jesus gives He Maintains John 15:4
9, Resurrection of Jesus Power is in us!! Ephesians 1_19-21
Jesus Words are Spirit and Life for My Spirit!!! I am feeding on and Confessing God’s Word Every Day!!

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