Steven LaChance tells us about his five horror/ghost books and his new book "Glow."

3 months ago

Steven LaChance is my guest on this segment of "The Strange Reality Show with Dave Emmons," recorded on 11-14-24. Steven tells us about his early experiences at his haunted childhood home in Union, Missouri, which inspired him to write about horror stories with a factual basis. Steven tells us about a shadowy figure of a man that showed itself at all times of the day in his house where he was raising three children. Steven says the ghost or spirit followed him and his family to another home. In 2008, it motivated him to write about his experiences in his first book, "The Uninvited." Which is still a top-selling book about his family's paranormal experiences. Since this spirit would not leave their domain, he wrote a follow-up book "Blessed Are the Wicked (2010), continuing the haunting story. Steven went on to investigate many paranormal stories with teams of experts. That is when he wrote stories about other peoples' experiences in the book Crazy: A Prayer for the Dead (2012), a terrifying tale based on actual events. Steven took an interest in the St. Louis Exorcism case in 1949, researched, and wrote a book "Confrontation with Evil (2017). After that book, he rested from the paranormal until 2024. Steven's new book "Glow" explores the world of nightmares and chilling accounts of the supernatural. The book, "The Uninvited was selected as one of the best Books of 2008 by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. He talks about people with PTSD from certain paranormal events. Steven has written the above books but has several sequels that he is working on as a full-time author. His career was in Radio Production and on-air work. He has had TV appearances and consulted various TV shows, including: "The Exorcism of Roland Doe." You can find his books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and all other outlets. Steven's website is

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