CTP S2E79 122124 WTPDL (part 1) BTS/SP Video

3 months ago

CTP WTPDL part 1 (20241221, S2E79) partial Show Notes.... BEHIND THE SCENES / SNEAK-PEEK Video....
Rather than normal Show Notes, I want to share what I texted my Friend Gary in AZ after the Show: "Thx 4 calling in Brother - great additions to the convo as always! WTPDL reminds WE THE PEOPLE are the Bosses (not them) and WE THE PEOPLE must demand they do why we Voted them in. Stay Awake, Stay Involved!!! Advoctate for Solutions, NOT WHINE." A meme shared on GAB Social-Media platform reads: Christianity isn't a cross necklace or a scripture tattoo [potentially out-of-context] it's chasing after God daily dying to your own desires and being different in a world full of Sin it's not the cute stuff that matters Christianity [and I dare add, being a ChristiTutionalist] is hard [and doing the tough stuff willingly as your reward is not of this world but of the next]. (Ecclesiastes 10:2-3, mentioned on show - plus...) "You have to train your Mind to be Stronger than your feelings or else you will lose yourself" Proverbs 25:28

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