Thor still can’t let go of that little hammer (Mjolnir) #movie #shorts #video.mp4

3 months ago

The "Mjolnir& Stormbreaker" Comedy Scene:
In this scene, Thor, who is still wielding his original hammer, Stormbreaker, teams up with Jane, who has become Mighty Thor and is using Mjolnir, which has been mysteriously reassembled after being destroyed in Thor: Ragnarok. However, the comedic twist comes from the way Mjolnir behaves around Jane.

As Thor and Jane fight side by side against Gorr’s forces, they engage in some hilarious, almost choreography-like moments with their weapons. At one point, Thor tries to summon Mjolnir to him, but it doesn't respond as it usually does. Instead, Mjolnir keeps flying toward Jane, who wields it with great precision, leaving Thor slightly frustrated and confused. The hammer seems to have a mind of its own, responding more to Jane than to Thor, even though he’s still technically its former master.

This playful dynamic creates a funny moment when Thor’s jealousy over Mjolnir’s apparent "loyalty" to Jane becomes evident. It’s especially comedic because Mjolnir has always been a symbol of Thor’s power and identity, and to see it essentially choosing Jane over him adds a humorous layer to their partnership.

As the action intensifies, there’s also a moment where Jane and Thor coordinate their attacks using their respective weapons, with Mjolnir flying back and forth between them, effectively becoming a "second weapon" for Thor as well. The scene is full of physical comedy, timing, and exaggerated reactions from Thor, who is still coming to terms with the fact that Jane is now wielding his beloved hammer.

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