Crunchy Marshmallows and your own reality... Messages from Ann & the Angels - 11/16/2024

3 months ago

© Ann Albers, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company,

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

As you move forward with your ever-expanding world, remember that everything you see externally is a result of a vibrational offering. There are things affected by the collective consciousness of your planet. There are things affected by specifically focused groups. And then, dear ones, there are personal experiences in your day-to-day life that are always under your vibrational control.

When you tune yourself to an energy, you are not dictating exactly how you will receive that energy. For example, if you tune into abundance, your human thought process may be that it must come via the lottery or a better job, but in truth, there are so many more ways it might present itself. So allow yourselves to feel abundant for any reason, as often as possible, and then remain open to the loving wisdom of the universe in terms of how that abundance might show up.

So many of you want a relationship, so celebrate every relationship that is good and uplifting in your life. Instead of looking for a partner, become a partner with life. Celebrate your beautiful relationship with nature as you appreciate the sunset song of the birds. Celebrate the relationship you have with your couch! Celebrate the good and kind people in your life - perhaps the clerk at your grocery store who goes out of their way to be pleasant. As you find things to appreciate in the various relationships in your life you'll feel loved in relationship and loving. This can only lead to more. And the love might come to you in so many ways along the path to the partner that by the time you meet your partner you are living in love and have a lot to share.

The universe loves you, dear ones. It is not adversarial. The Source is nothing but love and a love so profound it is hard to comprehend. It is unconditional, unceasing, and all-encompassing. You have your hands on the "free-will faucet" for this love, however. You can focus on what feels like love or what feels like fear. You can focus on the pains in your body or look for what soothes. We know it isn't always easy. We know the world makes a lot of noise, and many are telling you that you should live in fear, but you were determined before this life to live in love.

So when you see things in the world that you love, enjoy them. When you see things you can't stand, focus on the opposite, or at least something that feels better. Those of you who can't stand the unkind treatment of animals, for example, will empower the solution by focusing as much as possible on the people who are helping, rescuing, and healing them. Test your own vibration. Think of the cruelty and see how you feel. Think of the earth angels who help and assist and see how you feel. Which vibration would you prefer to empower?

The same goes for your politics, your health care, your financial climate, etc. If you like something, focus on it and empower it. If you don't, and your feelings tell you it lowers your vibe, then shift to focus on empowering what you do love, who you love, and the ideas you love. You may not always get the "form" you want immediately. You may not change the politics, the markets, the health care system, or the global conditions, but you can change how you experience all of these, and more so the values you enjoy in your own life, the peace you are seeking, the abundance you want, and the well-being you all deserve.

You are all so immersed and trained in the 3D paradigm that this is, at times, hard to imagine. So you must try it out for yourself. Take a day a week when you resolve to pay attention to your vibration. Turn away from what feels bad. Turn to what feels good. If that is too difficult to do for a day, try it for a few hours a week. See how your day goes. This type of tending to your vibration provides elevation, not only of your mood but of your life circumstances, if you can keep it up most of the time.

Dear ones, we love each and every one of you. We want to help you rise above conditioning, above circumstances, above past events, and into this present moment where the most important thing for your future, both collectively and personally, speaking in 5D terms, is simply how you are tuning in this moment.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

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