Because we belong to Messiah, the world hates us.

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The world persecuted Messiah; it will persecute us too. Messiah goes on to warn His disciples, and us, that if we remain in Him, the world will hate us because it hates Him more.

In John 15:9-17 Messiah revealed to us that if we remain in Him, and He in us, we are His friends. In John 15:18-23 Messiah revealed that because we are His friends we are the world’s enemies.

Yeshua told the disciples that the world would hate them, and us for that matter. Though Yeshua’s Good News Message is powerful, we should expect to be opposed and oppressed for our faith today.

In Yeshua’s warning that night He revealed the world’s hatred. His disciples were persecuted and all of them, except John, died as His martyrs. We need to remember, Yeshua did not die by human hands, He gave up His life for humanity.

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