Towing The Kids | SnowRunner (Session 104)

3 months ago

With a need to semi-relax, we take on some basic tasks of towing a few smaller vehicles around. This also gives us time to better learn of some new ways around the map, and also what other missions are coming that will require a little rerouting. We also might have to stock up on supplies, as the impending missions of doom need things we can't actually haul without producing. At least the kids are having fun!

If you want to see what I do outside of gaming, check out my novel: Lore of The Endelment. Link to Amazon provided.

Mods Used (listed in order by mod name):
- 2001 KW C500 "Devastator" (by DIESELADDICT66)
- 6 Slot Heavy Semitrailer (by maxwell_adams)
- 6 Slot Wide Flatbed 3-Axle Semi (by T2Fat2Fly)
- 6900XD Twinsteer TT Pack (by thieme1989)
- 714WM (by 8Y8DLZHQ9GE4GNK)
- Additional Paintjobs: Total Paint Overhaul (by HotshotGNX)
- AGL Azov 5319 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Azov 67096 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Azov 73210 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Derry Special 15C-177 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Paystar 5600TS (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL PLAD 450 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Scout Supplies Base (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Scout Supplies Year 1 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Scout Supplies Year 2 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Tarta T815-7 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Tatra Phoenix (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Trailers and Addons Pack (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL Western Star 6900 Twinsteer (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL ZikZ 606 (by angrygingerlife)
- AGL ZikZ 612H "Mastodon" (by angrygingerlife)
- Ankatra and Futom Tractors V+ Edition (by Cpt_Vultch)
- Azov 5319 Special (by DocBugsy)
- Azov Atom SE (by DocBugsy)
- Azov Atom Improved Physics (by TWEAKALOT)
- Bart's "Swiss Army Knife" Paystar 5700TS (by bartelbi7)
- Bart's Tatra Pack (by bartelbi7)
- Crocodile Actaeon kung (by Horned_Cat)
- Crush Kill Destroy (by gargantuo)
- Derry Longhorn 15C SE (by DocBugsy)
- Derry Longhorn 4520 SE (by DocBugsy)
- Free The Logs - Auto Load Logs on Mod/Tweak Trucks (by FOXCRF450RIDER)
- Fyzza Atom Plad450 (by FyzzA)
- Fyzza AZOV5319A (by FyzzA)
- Fyzza Azov73219A (by FyzzA)
- Fyzza Paystar56TS high (by FyzzA)
- Fyzza Tatra Packs (by FyzzA)
- Fyzza truckpack (by FyzzA)
- Fyzza ws 6900xd (by FyzzA)
- Fyzza Zikz 605RR (by FyzzA)
- Fyzza Zikz 612h _Derry special (by FyzzA)
- Gung (by Brasko)
- GWC Bruticus (by Glitchworks)
- International HX520 SE (by DocBugsy)
- International Modern Trucks (by Fonta_Workshop)
- Kolob MId (by Malidictus)
- Make Logging Great Again - Log Crane + Log Carrier (by Maja)
- Mastadon fuel/repair addon. (by Brasko)
- Mega Cab HD (by JohnJohnHotRod)
- Mega Cab HD Maxx Addon Pack (by JohnJohnHotRod)
- MrBusses Heavy Truck Pack (by MrBusses)
- MrBusses Super Heavy Truck Pack (by MrBusses)
- MrBusses Wheel pack (by MrBusses)
- Nemesis (by OlDrifter)
- Off Road Trailers (by FOXCRF450RIDER)
- OlSom's Trailer Pack (by OlSom)
- PLAD 450 SE (by DocBugsy)
- Plad MId (by Malidictus)
- Pog Poghrims Saddle Crane (by Poghrim)
- Revisual - Exhaust Expansion (by Isaard)
- SnowRunner Cup (by CanuckRunner)
- Sparky's Unlocked Vanilla Addons & Trailers (by Sparky66)
- Superheavy Water Carrier Semitrailer (by Malidictus)
- Suspension Damage Reduction (by LeonserGT)
- Tayga 6455b TT (by thieme1989)
- Tatra Force T815 SE (by DocBugsy)
- Tatra Phoenix SE (by DocBugsy)
- Tatra T813 SE (by DocBugsy)
- Tires and Cargo Mod Plus (by xzakat)
- Twinsteer MId (by Malidictus)
- Vanilla Mod Pack (by slickrick88)
- Western Star 6900 'Shining Star' and 'Big Bob' (by Fonta_Workshop)
- Western Star Quack Pack (by MrBusses)
- Z2 Addon Flatbed "Boss Revival" (by zxp990)
- Z2 Log Servant Mk.V (by zxp990)
- Z2 Universal Bridge (by zxp990)
- ZikZ 605R SE (by DocBugsy)
- ZikZ 612h SE Mastodon (by DocBugsy)

#snowrunner , #mudrunner , #spintires , #simulator

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