TRUUTHISTORY - 11/16/2024 - "The Two Row Times | Episode #028"

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TRUUTHISTORY - 11/16/2024 - "The Two Row Times | Episode #027"

Tonight I'm going to discuss some interesting things I found today concerning the Jewish Autonomous Oblast and I'll also be discussing the shift of focus for socials and will no longer be using FB Messenger. Shoot me a message for contact info if you would like.

- Many think that symbolism and the reality they are starting to learn about is just a joke, or something very small and not necessary to their "superior" knowledge of what's going on.

The reality of it is, they're still living in fear, too lazy to research, and terrified of the fact that the New World Order has already begun. It comes in the form of many, but it's newest star is a return role. Orange hair, billionaire, and a tiny hat to fit the suit.

You can choose to go your own direction and continue to follow the leader into the distractions of the political charade. Or, you can continue to learn the past, as it is still very much the past that controls the present, and until we change, will continue to control the future.

The choice is yours, but ask yourself.... Why does our choice bother you so much? 😂

- All Links, Articles, & Social Platforms will be added to the comments following the LIVE!

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