'merican Persimmon

2 months ago

Planting them trees in that there dirt! HA! You know I am not a huge fan of this fruit, but it IS food! And if you’re building a food forest, and it’s in zone 4, this is a great choice as the American Persimmon will grow to well over 60 ft tall, and it also provides sustenance. Food bearing species are top priority when expending efforts and resources on creating a natural system…. when in doubt, choose a food bearing species for your guild, if possible, in your zone!!

Staying intimately connected to the True Vine is the only way to “bear fruit in old age” (Psalm 92:14)

Whether it’s The Holy Bible, The Gnostic Bible, Medical Medium Books, or The Bhagavad Gita, or The Spanda Karikas, stay connected to the vine and Grow Your Soul’s Gold!!


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