3 months ago

the WEF is now openly talking about torturing people and implanting fake memories to mind control people... the fact is they've already been doing this with covert targeting and cell towers....
Department of Defense Instruction, 2009.

This is why the Swamp looks even more incompetent and corrupt.

All one had to do was ENFORCE the Laws and Orders as prescribed on the books.

Notice the Purpose: Reissued 4650.02.

Well, look at 4650.02…

MARS = Military Auxiliary Radio System.

“And we will plant our beautiful Flag, very soon, on the surface of MARS.”

- President Trump, November 15, 2022.

Army and Navy transferred ALL Communications to Space Force in August and December 2022.

2021 and 2022 Pres. Trump rallies on OAN and Newsmax advertising: Purchase Emergency Radio.

Starlink = Space

Elon T-shirt = Occupy Mars

Notice red box on 4650.02…

Support the Defense Continuity of Operations program in accordance with DoDD 3020.26…

Continuity of Operations = Continuity of Government.

PPD-40 = Presidential Policy Directive.

PMEFs = Primary Mission Essential Functions

DERG = Devolution Emergency Response Group

Says: Consistent with Federal Continuity Directive 1.

FCD1 issued: January 17, 2017.
FCD2 issued: June 13, 2017.

DoDD 3020.26 date = June 4, 2024.

Notice Executive Order 13961?

👉🏻 December 7, 2020.

Order of Succession:

👉🏻 In accordance with Executive Order 13963.

Who was the President in December 2020?

If “Biden” was President, “he” would have “his” own Order of Succession…

This June 2024 Directive literally tells you who’s President.

👉🏻 Wartime President

👉🏻 🎤⬇️

👉🏻 Military Government = Military Occupation with a Continuity of Operations.

👉🏻 Special Operations with Unconventional Warfare.

👉🏻 ———

👉🏻 45——47

You can’t trust the Man if you don’t trust the Plan.
This is ALSO why it pays to use discernment on who you’re listening to.

All those “Patriot” podcasters who’ve completely butchered the Directive 5240.01 need to be canceled.

You cannot take ONE directive and “assess” it when you don’t know what surrounds it… especially since it’s LAYERS.

“Patriot” podcasters: “DoDD 5240.01 is Joe Biden weaponizing the Military against the people.”

Those podcasters are not only Fake News, they’re incompetent and dangerous.

They’re also diminishing what President Trump, the Generals, U.S. Leaders, and World Leaders are doing in this Special Operation. 💯

Remind the Liberals… they’re not only selfish and ignorant… they need their IQs and eyes checked ☑️

Top Teeth show in one smile.

Top Teeth don’t show in another.

Hair parted different ways.

Hair texture different.

Foreheads can hold Obamacare script on both, but the wrinkles and bumps are different.

Skin complexion is different.

Throat is different, both wearing same style shirt and tie.

Chins are different.

Eye Cavity different.

Eye Color different.

Eyebrows different.

Nose different.

And there’s still other Joe actors… this is just two. 🤣

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