Reviewing Bashar (Darryl Anka): E.T.s will save you! Earth is a school!

3 months ago

Reviewing Bashar (Darryl Anka): E.T.s will save you! Do not use your physical brain to question your reality. Earth is a school.
Bashar Darryl Anka has been channeling his dubious entity of the new age for the past 40+ years already. One of his main messages is indeed that ETs sponsored by your government will save you. He also supports the hybrid alien program (a mix between humans and AI) and the transhumanist agenda, which it entails. In addition, he strongly promotes not using your physical mind but instead listening to entities for solutions and getting rid of all your essence. A highly dangerous person of the new age. This review highlights why.
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Welcome to this channel. I teach you how to combat and disrupt the matrix. How to start listening to your innate wisdom and intuition. And how to question everything that is going on around us in today's world.
Hello, I am Laura from Shamanic Self. I am a teacher of Shamanic practices and a Shamanic Healer & Practitioner. In my courses you are able to learn all these things yourself, as you dig into how to strengthen your intuition, how to do removals yourself, how to combat the matrix, how to use psychic protection in the most effective way and so much more. Find further information here:

I also do removals of intrusions, cords, AI, blockages and entities. And I specialize in soul retrieval, trauma healing, DNA-healing and further healing techniques all tied to the core of our inner wellbeing and psyche. In the most self-empowering way.

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