“A Ruined People; A Solemn Witness!” GET TO THE POINT™ Come Follow Me: Ether 6-11

3 months ago

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"A Ruined People; A Solemn Witness!"
I. Intro
i. You're looking good today and it feels good to be with you.
ii. Patter
II. Theme: "A Ruined People; A Solemn Witness"
III. Book of Ether Proper
i. Covers 28 generations, Cliff's Notes version of history. Condensed and abridged. Reads like a blur, or a plain flight with frequent touch downs, a series of snapshots.
ii. Condensing is helpful---it Gets to the Point
iii. Loose nuance and detail
IV. Patterns:
1. Fatal Fissure: In political science, Duverger's law (/ˈduvərʒeɪ/ DOO-vər-zhay) holds that in political systems with single-member districts and the plurality voting system, (as in the U.S.), two main parties tend to emerge. In this case, votes for minor parties can potentially be regarded splitting votes away from the most similar major party.[1][2] In contrast, systems with proportional representation usually have more representation of minor parties in government.
2. Nike/Adidas
3. Coke/Pepsi
4. Star Trek/Star Wars
ii. Danger of Divisions
1. Christ Versus Lucifer
2. Sacred Covenants Versus Secret Combinations
3. Prophets Versus People
4. Family Antagonisms
a. Father versus Child
b. Brother Versus Brother
5. Charity Versus Pride
6. Faith Versus Flesh
7. Grace versus works
8. Compassion Versus Mammon
9. Heavenly City versus Earthly Acquisitions
iii. Zig Zag Effect-unstable, like presidents every 4 years
iv. Slow Battering Ram
1. Slow erosion.
2. Battering rams keeps battering away, eventually wins
V. The Dynasty
i. Arrive in Promised Land, 344 days
ii. Singing
iii. Generational Hinge
1. Jared King
2. Brother, the spiritual leader, "No, leads to captivity
3. Want to coerce Pagag, no--captivity already apparent
4. Orihah: Righteous
VI. People:
i. Orihah—Ether 6:30; 7:1: righteous
ii. Cohor:
1. rebel
2. Nehor, Corihor, Moron
3. Division
iii. Shule—Ether 7:23–27, Captivity not killed vs end of book
iv. Jared—Ether 8:1–7, 11–15
v. Daughter of Jared
1. Know brother of Jared, but what about daughter of Jared?
2. Feminist bean counters who shriek because not enough women are mentioned and named in the Book of Mormon, well here you go.
3. Do you ever challenge your own quota assumption of value? X number of names, etc. D&C 18
vi. Akish Introduces combinations, jealous of father-in-law JAred.
vii. Emer Coriantum
2. Righteousness and prosperity
3. second comforter
4. Cureloms and cumons
a. Quagga
b. Okapi
c. Kungas
viii. Heth—Ether 9:26–30
1. Dearth
2. snakes
ix. Shez—Ether 10:1–2 rebuild a broken people
x. Riplakish—Ether 10:5–8
1. Concubines
2. Taxes
3. buildings
a. Common-sense public works, versus extravagance
4. Prison labor: King Noah
xi. Morianton—Ether 10:9–11
1. Justice unto people not self
2. Many whoredoms, cut off
3. Sludge of political leaders. Rethink what is workable, common-sense compartmentalization
4. RMN biography, ch 24, female lawyer, alcoholic.
xii. Lib—Ether 10:19–28
1. Serpent plagues
2. Industry and mining.
3. JS to Emma from NYC
a. Oct 13, 1832
b. " This day I have been walking through the most splendid part of the City of New York. The buildings are truly great and wonderful to the astonishing of every beholder, and the language of my heart is like this: Can the great God of all the earth, maker of all things magnificent and splendid, be displeased with man for all these great inventions sought out by them? My answer is no, it cannot be, seeing these works are calculated to make men comfortable, wise, and happy"
c. Industrial Revolution not bad, just mismanaged
xiii. Prophets get hard core
xiv. Ethem—Wicked
xv. Jesus Christ—Matthew 18:1–4; 20:20–28; 23:11
VII. Christ Quotient
i. Atonement Quotient
1. Civilizations and societies who do and don't accept atonement
2. political systems barriers to atonement.
3. Political leaders with discretion barriers to atonement.
ii. People and Patterns in out day
1. Not name names, but you can
2. think about patterns
iii. Election is over:
1. Christlike responses
2. Hey, how you doing?
3. I still care about you.
4. Are there any areas of agreement?
iv. Solution to Jaredite problem, and problems in our day is Christ--and that's the point.
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